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Coming to consciousness the sound of distant clanging reached my ears. I could tell I was laying down on a bed and when I was finally able to crack my eyes open I was met with a stark white ceiling. I ease myself up and I am able to take stock of myself and the room I am in.

My arm wrapped tight in a sling only throbs slightly as an indication it was ever dislocated, and when I reach up, I feel a bandage wrapped around my head as well.

My eyes swing around the room and I take in the sleek black furniture surrounding me, and to my left is a wall of glass overlooking the city. My mouth drops open at the view and I make quick work of detangling myself to get closer to the view. My nose is all but pressed up against the window as I take in the sight in front of me.

Growing up in a small town was part of the reason I moved to New York at the first chance and it seems I had forgotten how big the city is, but being up here really put it into perspective for me again.

A few minutes go by and eventually the clanging that had initially woken me up comes back with a vengeance. After eventually finding the door out to the hallway- opening first the door to the ridiculous walk in closet filled to the brim with blazers and button ups and a bathroom the size of my apartment, I make my way out. 

Looking to my left and right but not spotting anyone I decide to follow the noise. I move deeper into the apartment, until I am at the entrance of a very fancy kitchen. I step around the island to spot the source of the clanging noise that had penetrated through the bedroom walls. The boy I had pulled out of harms way, Leo, was on the ground surrounded by open cabinets with pots and pans haphazardly spilling out and he was using wooden spoons to hit them with. The sound of the spoon on the metal was deafening from this close, but the sight was too precious to take issue with. His curls bounced with each hit and he had a look of concentration that showed there may be a method to the madness.

"We buy you light sabers and toy cars to ride in and somehow the only thing you want to play with are pots and pans." An exasperated voice says from outside the other end of the kitchen.

Broad shoulders donned in a black button up and a sharp jawline are the first thing I register of the man that appears. He looks as if he is about to say more to Leo, but stops short at the sight of me. Tilting his head he takes his time looking at me and I take a moment to do the same. I almost have to tilt my head up due to his towering height to spot the vibrant green gaze that peers out at me from under his shaggy black hair.

The change in beat to little Leo's drumming has both of us shaken out of the moment.

"Are you part of his band?" He asks nodding his head in Leo's direction.

"No, I just don't think I'm cut out for the rockstar life to hang with him." I say with a shrug.

My response has him laughing and it's the sound of his laugh that has Leo stopping his drum solo.

The man peers over the island at Leo, "Little man, I could buy you the world and you'd still only play with the box I bring it in."

Leo owlishly blinks up at him with no response, and a small laugh peels out of me at the contrast causing both to look at me. Leo gasps and he jumps up, tearing through the pots and pans around him with no care for the noise, and he runs to me. Wrapping his small arms around my legs, he presses his cheek to my thigh. I grab his arms and gently unwrap them as I seat myself, awkwardly as with only one arm working I am very off balance, and the moment I am on the ground he has seated himself in my lap, turning to face me.

"Hey there, I really liked your show."

My words have him smiling hard enough that his dimples come out and I have to stop myself from awing at the sight of the cutie in my lap.

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