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Finally processing Sebastian's words I can't help the question that springs forth.

"Wait, Hawke? As in Hawke Industries, Hawke?

My surprise inquiry has both towering men turning to my direction. Gabriel takes a step forward with a pleading look, "I meant to say something earlier, but-"

"Wait, how do you two even know each other?" Sebastian cuts in angrily.

"Kelly, stay out of this." Gabriel says in a low tone that has me sitting back. However, it has the opposite effect on Sebastian and he turns to block me from Gabriel. Posturing in front of him he speaks in a voice that conveys the same level of seriousness, "Why don't we do this outside."

It's not a question and Gabriel supplies a slow nod in return, in no time they're both heading out. My mouth agape at the hostility between them, I am unable to speak up.

Before Gabriel follows Sebastian out of the room he turns to me, "I'll be back, but for my peace of mind are you okay?"

"Y-yeah, I'm okay."

With a small smile he says, "Good, I'm glad", and then he's out the door.

A few minutes later I am still trying to process what just happened when Clark comes bounding back into the room. He sees the look on my face and stops in his tracks, "What? What happened?"

Shaking my head, still in disbelief, I tell him "Well first off, Gabriel, coffee in the mornings Gabriel, is actually Gabriel Hawke."

"Like owner of Hawke Industries, Hawke?" He parrots back near the exact words I had said earlier.

"Yes, I think? But that's not even the weirdest thing, somehow he and Sebastian know each other and... they're not exactly friends."

Clark climbs back into the hospital bed with me and I recap the tense encounter and by the end his eyes are wide in surprise.

"Okay, so circling back to the whole 'Hawke' thing, does this mean you've been having flirty coffee hangouts with your boss?"

"No? I mean he would be my boss's, boss's, boss. Like head honcho type, but still I feel like this is a big thing to not mention."

Clark sympathetically nods in agreement.

"I don't even know how Gabriel found out I'm in the hospital anyways."

"Well if he's your boss's, boss's, boss it might make a little sense."

Seeing the confused look on my face he goes on.

"I didn't want you to get into trouble, so I called your work to let them know what happened."

"Clark, I don't know what I'd do without you" I tell him as I pull him in for another hug.

"Save that for when Tom's here, he's convinced you like him more than me."

I can't help but laugh, grateful for Clark knowing how to make any situation better.

Enough time goes by that the nurse and doctor make their way into the room, explaining that I just passed out from the fever and shock, so with some fluids and medicine prescribed I will be good to be discharged this afternoon.

Clark and I are now snuggled up in my hospital bed waiting for my discharge papers. He's eating the jello stolen from my lunch tray and we're watching the news.

"Behind me is the devastation from last nights gun fight at the docks, said to have started late in the evening with numerous casualties, this is another sign of the scourge that local gangs have brought to the city. Ethan Waite, state's attorney, had this to say on the matter."

Cutting to a press conference clamoring with reporters, Clark mutes the tv when the door opens.

Gabriel and Sebastian walk in and the sight of both of them has me straightening up. Gabriel eyes Clark by my side, but doesn't say anything. Sebastian is the first to speak up, "Sorry about that earlier, we didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"N-no problem, is everything okay?"

Once again speaking for the both of them Sebastian says, "Yeah, we're all good now, don't worry." He finishes with a smile that I can't help but respond to with my own.

"Great, now that that's squared away, Sebastian do you want to help me find the cafeteria?" Clark asks, but by the way he gets up and guides the hulking man out the door it's not a question. Sebastian is only able to shoot one look over his shoulder, looking from Gabriel then back to me before Clark pulls him out, allowing me to sort out things with Gabriel alone.

I look down at my clasped hands, knowing that Gabriel is actually Gabriel Hawke I didn't know how to conduct myself.

"Arabella, I'm sorry." He finally speaks up forlornly.

"You don't need to apologize, I was just surprised is all" I say to my lap, unable to make eye contact with him.

I hear footsteps and with a light touch to my chin, tipping my head up, I am making eye contact with his deep blue gaze.

"I was wrong to not tell you who I am, I understand that. It was just nice to have someone speak so freely with me again, in my position that doesn't happen too often and I didn't want to burst that bubble so soon."

I purse my lips, seeing it from his perspective I couldn't help but feel bad for him. The action has his eyes falling to my lips and I blush at the sudden change in the air.

"When you put it that way, I can't be mad at you now can I?"

The small smile it seems he reserves for me comes out, and the look makes me warm inside.

"I guess not, no."

"How did you know I was in here anyways?"

Now looking a bit bashful he moves his hand from my face as he straightens up, "I found out when I checked in with your supervisor. When you didn't show up for our morning coffee the second time I reached out to make sure you were okay."

I smile up at him, he really was a gentle giant worrying about me like that.

"Are you really okay? Sebastian told me what happened last night."

I wave him off, repressing bad thoughts was an art form I had perfected and in this case I had done just that.

"I am just having a bit of bad luck right now, but as you can see I am a-okay now. They're even putting together the papers to discharge me right now."

"That's good, as long as you're okay."

"If Sebastian wasn't there it would have been a lot different" I look down when I say this, but shaking off any dark thoughts I not so subtly pivot the conversation, "How do you guys know each other anyways?"

His gaze had darkened at the mention of last night, Sebastian likely filled him in on what had gone down, but at my question he looks away.

"We do some business together."

"Ah, business of course" I say in a mock serious tone, "I forgot for a second about your fancy job- wait does that mean Sebastian has a fancy job too?"

Gabriel laughs, "Yeah, I guess you could say Sebastian has a 'fancy job' too."

"Dime a dozen you hot guys with fancy jobs." I immediately respond, but when it registers what I just said, and who I said it to I blush from the tip of my toes up to my face.

Gabriel breaks out into a deep belly laugh, and it does nothing to ease my embarrassment at myself. Hearing the usually quiet man laugh this hard, is a sight to behold. He shines when he laughs and I want to see him do it more often- even if it at the expense of my ego.

With Gabriel still laughing and me watching him in adoration, we don't notice the door open.

"Having fun?" Sebastian asks as he steps in, a neutral look on his face as he looks between us.

- - - - -

**Hello! I'm curious what character interactions are you looking most forward to or want to see more of?

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