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Coming to, in an unknown place again, I am reminded of how I had awoken in the Rossi residence. Blinking my eyes open I am met with a speckled white ceiling and the steady sound of beeps from all around me.

I tip my head up and see that I am in a hospital room, there's a lanky blonde headed man man slumped over in a chair next to me and when I am able to focus, I can discern it's Clark.

"Clar-" Not able to finish calling his name I am racked with heavy coughs.

The noise is enough to make him jump up in his seat and his tired gaze meets mine.

"Jesus Christ Bella!" He exclaims before running to me, he encases me in a hug that I halfheartedly reciprocate through my coughs.

Hearing my coughs he steps back to pour me a glass of water and after I'm able to take a few sips I can speak.

"Clark what happened?"

"You were brought to the hospital last night, I got here as soon as I heard and have been here all night with you."

"Oh Clark" Is all I say before I pull him in for a tight hug.

I may not have any blood relatives, but Clark more than makes up for it and in this moment I'm grateful he's here. He squeezes me tight and I feel myself tearing up, hearing the door open we separate, but he's still perched on the edge of my bed.

Looking up I spot the auburn haired man, Sebastian, from last night walk in with a bouquet of flowers. His honey eyed gaze widens at the sight of me awake, he shifts his eyes to Clark then back to me and his eyebrows furrow slightly before he steps further into the room.

"Glad to see you're awake, how are you feeling?"

In the daylight and not overcome with a fever haze, I am able to fully take in his face, sharp cheekbones covered in stubble makeup his statue-like face, and as he shuffles closer I have to take a second to remember how to speak.

"I'm doing better, thanks to you." I tell him with a small smile.

Clark hops up on the bed, now fully next to me and swings an arm over my shoulders, pulling me tight to him he speaks up.

"For saving my Bella babe here, I am forever in your debt."

Embarrassed at his dramatics, I blush and elbow Clark.

"Ow! You have been awake for all of two minutes and you're already inflicting pain upon me!"

I giggle at this and with a smile I settle back into him, "You wouldn't have it any other way you idiot."

Sebastian clears his throat and with a flimsy smile he looks between us again. He raises the flowers still in his hand and brings them to me.

"I just wanted to drop these off and see how you're doing, but I'll leave you guys to it then."

The flowers, red carnations tightly bundled with baby's breath, are beautiful and before I am able to thank him for them Clark jumps up.

"Shit! I promised Tom I'd call him the moment you were awake!" He looks apologetically to me, "He couldn't get off work, but you know he'd be here too."

I wave him off with a smile, "I know, don't worry. Go call him, I don't want him worrying over lil ol' me anymore."

He affectionally pinches my cheek before turning to Sebastian, "If you have a second can you watch over troublemaker over here. I don't trust her to be alone, between this and nearly getting crushed by a truck I am getting grey hairs far sooner than I would like because of her."

Sebastian laughs and agrees and when the tornado that is Clark makes his way out of the room we're left in awkward silence.

Eventually breaking the quiet, Sebastian asks "You were nearly crushed by a truck?"

I shake my head no with a smile, "Clark exaggerates, there was a kid on the street and I pulled him out of the way. But, I tell Clark this and in his head he turns it into a dramatic tale where I cheat death."

Sebastian nods in understanding, "Clark seems nice, I mean he obviously cares a lot about you, the moment he heard what happened he was on the way."

I look to the door as if I could see him from here, supplying a short "He's my person."

"If you don't mind me asking, how long have you guys been together?"

The question is enough to have me snapping my gaze back to Sebastian and I can't help the short laugh that emerges.

"We're not together" I say shaking my head, "We grew up together- Clark's like my brother."

Sebastian rubs the back of his neck, "Oh, I just assumed with how close you guys are."

Clark and I got this a lot growing up, so this line of questioning wasn't out of left field for me.

I tell him just about as much before also supplying, "And Clark went to call Tom, his husband."

That has Sebastian standing straighter, and I almost want to laugh at the turn from sheepish to confident that happened in a split second. I'm not sure where it came from though, so I don't comment on it.

"How did he know I was here anyways?" I ask him.

"I used your phone to find and call your emergency contact, I hope that was okay."

I shake my head, "No worries, it helped to wake up to a familiar face. I should be thanking you for last night, I don't want to think about what would have happened if you weren't there." I finish with an unconscious shiver as I recall the feeling of the man's hands on my body.

Sebastian steps closer, now next to my bed looking down at me.

"I'm glad I was there too, and I know you said you're feeling better, but are you really okay?"

He says this as he eyes the bruises on my arms from where the man had roughly handled me.

"I bruise easily, so it looks worse than it actually is." I say shrugging it off.

"If you say so, but I can call a nurse or doctor in if you are still feeling off."

I smile at his concern finding it endearing, "I promise I'm okay, you're the one who singlehandedly took down a group of robbers, how are you?

Driving a hand through his wavy locks he responds, "This was a regular Monday for me, so I'm good don't worry about me."

I can't help but laugh at his faux-casual tone, "You're going to have to teach me those moves sometime, I don't think just carrying around pepper spray is going to cut it anymore."

"Consider it a date." He says with a sly smile and a wink.

I blush deeply at this and the door swings open, cutting off my reply. Rushing in, all suited and booted is the last person I'd expect to be here, Gabriel.

His eyes frantically search the room before they settle on me, and he breathes out a sigh of relief.

"Hawke, what are you doing here?" Sebastian asks with a frown.

Gabriel turns to spot Sebastian and his brow furrows at the sight of him, "Kelly, what the hell are you doing here?"

The sudden animosity between the two and surprise that they even know each other has me sitting silent, and with wide eyes I watch the interaction.

- - - - -

*Hellloooooooooo! Thoughts, comments, any favorite characters yet?

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