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Clark and a nurse come in to save me from yet another awkward encounter between the men, and in no time I am packed away in a taxi with Clark. Before the door closes for us to take off, a hand pulls it open. I look up to see Sebastian leaning in, "Rest up and relax because the moment you are better I will be holding you to that self defense date."

I am a blushing mess and I tell him I will and with a wink, knowing full well his effect on me, he says a quick goodbye and is gone. I feel a bit of deja vu when I am yet again stopped from closing my door, this time by Gabriel, "Don't worry about work, I cleared you for the week with your supervisor."

"That's too way too much time! I know I would be fine to come in by tomorrow." I say with wide eyes.

"It's already done, in the meantime just focus on getting better. Okay?" He says this sternly and I mutely nod yes.

"Perfect, and before I let you go, how would you feel about getting dinner with me this weekend?"

I open then close my mouth in shock and before I can stumble my way to an answer, Clark cuts in, "She would love to go to dinner with you!" Turning to look at Clark who just toothily smiles my way then back to Gabriel who awaits my response all I can offer is another nod, this time too stunned to actually answer.

"I'll give you a call later to set up everything."

"She'll be waiting by the phone!" Clark again responds for me and like an idiot all I do is nod for the third time.

He offers a small smile and with that he heads off, gently shutting the door for me.

Wiggling his eyebrows, Clark looks like the cat that just ate the canary.

"Oh, shut up" I petulantly tell him, still red as a tomato, and this just makes him cackle at me.

The next two nights Clark stays with me, with Tom joining us the second night and between the two of them I am feeling better in no time. True to his word Gabriel does call me and we're set to go out Saturday night. I am a bundle of nerves just thinking about it, but the guys are quick to get my mind off overthinking the whole date thing.

Not that I've never been on a date, but since I've moved to the city this will be only the second date I have ever been on. After being ghosted the last time I am afraid of the same thing happening with Gabriel, and I know it would feel worse if that happened because I do actually really like him.

It's Friday now and I've already said my goodbyes to Clark and Tom this morning, they had to get back to the real world. Having the day off, I decide to head to my favorite cafe, donning a raincoat on top of my overalls I make the trek out onto the rainy sidewalk.

Despite wearing a jacket I am still somehow drenched by the time I stumble into the cafe. The smell of roasted beans and fresh baked pastries have me closing my eyes for a moment when I step in. I wipe my feet and make quick work of ordering and finding a table, it's not too busy and I enjoy the lull of voices around me. I pull out a book from my bag and before I can dive in I hear a voice call my name, "Arabella?"

Looking up I spot Nico and a red eyed Leo, poor baby looks like he was just crying.

With a soft smile at the sight of them I greet them, "Hey! It's the drummer and his driver!"

He laughs at my joke and I gesture for him to take a seat, the moment he does Leo looks up and spotting me he beams bringing out his dimples.

"Okay that's just not fair." Nico complains looking down at the little heartbreaker in his arms.

Descent to CorruptionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon