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'Maybe I should consider a career in sneaking around?' I think to myself as I sit in the backseat of a cab heading back to my apartment.

I didn't wait too long after Sebastian left to linger in the office. Considering their reactions and what had already happened with the Rossi's I did not want to take the risk for a similar situation to occur so I bolted.

Luckily for me, Gabriel and Sebastian were no where to be seen on the floor when I stepped out and Gabriel's secretary was not at his desk to stop me from leaving either. Taking it as a sign from above, I all but sprinted out of the building after a nerve wracking ride down the elevator.

Now I'm headed back to my apartment to pack a bag. I have enough foresight to know neither of them would be happy when they find out I ran out, and my employee paperwork has my address so they would have no trouble finding me- that means I can't stay home for long.

Everything that has happened these past few days has been too much, and I need to get away. I can't go to Clark's place and risk him and Tom getting pulled in to whatever these men have going on, so that scratches his place off my list.

I'm still trying to figure out where to go when I pay the cabbie and am hurrying up into my apartment. Once inside I triple check my locks before grabbing an old duffle bag and shoving the essentials into it- clothes, toiletries, and all the cash I have laying around.

I then head to my neighbor's apartment, and after knocking twice Mrs. Friedrich's face peeps out. The kindly old lady has been in the building for over forty years and whenever she went out of town I had taken to feeding her portly bulldog, Reginald.

When she recognizes me she swings her door open, and welcomes me in.

"Arabella it has been too long, how are you!"

I muster up a weak smile, "I'm good Mrs. Friedrich, I hate to bother you but could I borrow your phone? I lost mine recently and I have to give Clark a quick ring."

She waves me off and spins to grab her phone, it's still somehow newer than the one I was carrying around.

"Of course sweetie, and please tell that boy to come visit more often, I hardly see him anymore!" She says as she hands me her phone.

As I dial the only number I have memorized, she putters back to the kitchen. The phone rings and rings, but he doesn't pick up and I have to settle with leaving a message.

"Hey, um Clark it's me, I'm calling from Mrs. Friedrich's phone. I just wanted to give you a heads up, I have to go out of town for a bit. You know I don't have a phone right now, but as soon as I can I'll pick one up and give you a call I promise. Please don't worry I just need to get away and clear my head for a bit." I bite my lip as my chin begins to tremble, and I know I should hang up before he hears me cry over the message. "Anyways I love you and Tom and I'll talk to you later."

I hang up closing my eyes, and I clench my fist hard enough for my nails to dig tight into my hand, pulling me back. I blink quickly to rid any potential tears from falling and I go into the kitchen to give Mrs. Friedrich her phone and say goodbye. With that I run back to my apartment and gather my bags. There's a bus station a few blocks away and I'm hoping there's a line that can take me far out of town for a bit. Somewhere where I can rough it out at until I feel like this has all calmed down.

With that half assed plan in mind I make my way out, but I only make it a few steps out of my building before a scarily familiar black SUV comes to a screeching halt in front of me.

I stumble back a few steps and feel myself paling at the sight of Luca Rossi stepping out.

Donning a black suit that does nothing to hide his hulking figure, his hazel eyes pin me in place. He takes in the apparent shock on my face, and the bag I have slung over my shoulder.

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