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The moment I realize the sound that I had been hearing was gunshots, I pull my head back down and push Leo and I as low as possible to the ground. The car twists and turns but I don't dare to pull us up for fear of what's going on. Leo doesn't scream during any of the times we're swung back and forth on the floor of the car, but I can feel his tears wet my sweater and it kills me.

What feels like a lifetime later, the SUV comes to a stop. The gunshots had stopped several minutes ago, but I did not want to risk it by sitting up. It's not until the door behind me opens up that I look over my shoulder.

Gabriel sags against the door, saying nothing, he beckons me out with his arm.

I gingerly sit up, at the same time pulling Leo up too. His arms are locked tight around my neck and its why I have to shuffle myself backwards out of the car. With my feet on the ground I look up to see a sprawling countryside estate. I don't get much more than a moment to take it in before Gabriel's hand settles itself on my back and he hustles us forward.

The inside of the place is just as grand as the outside, I hike Leo up in my arms as I turn to take in the sparkling grand foyer we stand in.

"Vincent, let the Rossi's know where we are then call the Doc over." Gabriel wheezes out from behind me.

His voice has me spinning to his direction.

He leans against the doorway into what looks like a living room, but the way he favors one side over the other it looks as if he's injured.

"Are you hurt?" I ask as I move towards him.

Before he can answer, my eyes narrow in on his shoulder where he is holding a hand against it.


"I'm okay, it's just a scratch. If you head down the hallway there's some stairs that will take you to the rooms upstairs, head up there and calm Leo down."

I want to fight him on this- he's clearly more than scratched with the way he's putting all his weight against the wall, but I understand this is not what Leo needs to see if he is as hurt as I think he is.

I frown at him before looking to Vincent, "Can you please make him sit down while you wait for the doctor to come?"

Vincent nods in agreement and as I move to go down the hallway I see him shuffle Gabriel onto a couch.

Once up and past the grand staircase, I take Leo into the first empty room I find.

The antique wooden furniture and white accents in any other scenario would have me swooning, but at the moment all I am led to do is settle on the bed with Leo. We sink into the plush comforter, and we remain still for a couple of breaths. The whole time I am wracking my brain trying to come to terms with what just happened and the longer I sit the more I worry for Gabriel and the others.

I don't know how much time has passed, but Leo is deep asleep in my arms. His wet tears slowly turned to sniffles then soft snores the longer I rocked him in my arms. Exhaustion weighing heavy on my shoulders, I should be asleep as well, but the ever present worry has my eyes wide open.

I had been hearing footsteps and hushed voices for a few minutes, but with Leo clung to me like a koala I was unable to get up and see what was going on, so I continued gently patting his back as he slept. 

Sudden rushed footsteps that seemed to be getting closer had me pull Leo in closer to me as I sat upright. The door swings open and Luca, looking disheveled and frantic, steps in.

His eyes are quick to settle on us in the room and in a few large steps I find myself looking up at him. From this close I can see the sweat that lines his brow and the worry in his eyes.

His first words are softer than I expect, "Are you both okay?"

I nod my head yes, but after a moment I halter then shake my head no.

"No injuries, but Leo just cried himself to sleep. This isn't something he'll be able to shake off easily."

Luca's shoulders drop and his eyes squeeze shut in frustration.

The defeat in his stance has me reaching out and squeezing his hand, with the action his eyes open to look down on us again.

"I can't say I understand what's going on, but I know if you want Leo to be better he needs you by his side."

I scoot over on the bed and pat the now open space next to me.

Luca gingerly sits down, his eyes on Leo's slumbering form the whole time. As soon as he looks settled, I untangle Leo's hold from around me and I lift him towards Luca.

Even fast asleep, his son is quick to latch onto him, and the action immediately serves to remove some of the tension that had been lining Luca's forehead since he rushed in.

The silence pervades, and with it I am reminded of my previous worry for the others that I have yet to see.

"Are Nico and Sebastian okay?"

"They're fine, they stayed back to figure out security details but I'm sure they both will be up here soon to check on you."

His answer allows my shoulders to lose some tightness and I feel like I can take a deep breath again. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

***It's been a while since my last update and I am so sorry. I would list out all of the things that have kept me from writing, but then the list would end up longer than this chapter :( 

I have seen your messages, posts to my page, comments and reactions to the story. Each and every one has made my day and pushed me to come back. I can't promise to be on a schedule with these updates, but I will keep writing and posting as often as I can. 

I am truly and sincerely grateful for you all, thank you for giving me the motivation to keep going with my writing!!!

As always please comment and vote, I'd love to keep hearing your thoughts on it all!

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