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The rest of the night is uneventful as soon after our talk Luca got pulled away by one of his many suited and booted men. I wandered through the vast apartment, and made it to Leo's room in time to spot Nico pulling a blanket over the slumbering baby. He spots me in the doorway and gets up as I move out to the hallway.

"Bell, I know it's not much coming from Luca and I, but I promise we're doing everything to keep you safe. If you need anything please don't hesitate to ask, if we're going to be roommates for the foreseeable future we may as well get along right?" He finishes wryly.

A smile partially tugs his lips up as he sees me come to accept his words, my face an open book.

"How long is the 'foreseeable future'?" I can't help but ask thinking about Clark and my life outside of all this drama.

Nico leans in to me, and at this close it is made more apparent how much he towers over me. He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear as he responds.

"As long as it takes to ensure that any threat out there is eliminated."

Despite his ominous words, our closeness and the heady look in his eyes has me all jumbled up inside and I have to take a step back before I do something I may regret.

"Just please don't keep me in the dark anymore." Is all I say back to him before I turn and make my way back to my room.

The next few days pass by in relative calm, spending most of my time with Leo it's easy to forget there's some big bad evil out there when his giggles are what fill my ears.

Luca and Nico flit in and out, when I do see them it's brief and sporadic and it's obvious there's a lot going on for them as the dark bags beneath Luca's eyes grow and I have seen Nico sprawled out on the couch several mornings now, still wearing the same clothes from the previous day. It's apparent the two of them are dealing with a lot, but I can't find it in myself to ask the specifics on it all. I asked to be kept updated, but I feared the exact details if it meant something bloody. The dichotomy of my thoughts had me struggling to fall asleep, tossing and turning as I imagined horrible scenario, one after another, of what they could possibly be dealing with and how they could be going about it. The sounds of gunshots from the crash still ringing in my ears during the nightmares I had.

Almost a week has gone by when the bubble Leo and I had been in is burst.

We're sitting on the kitchen floor playing his favorite, drums on the cookware, I now am a trainee drummer in the mix of it all. Leo slaps away at the pot in front of him with a concentrated effort and every now and then he looks at me to do the same, when he raises a hand I stop and he turns around beginning the whole process again.

He's in the middle of a particularly tough solo that has him hitting hard enough that the curls on his head are bouncing in time with each strike, I would laugh but I am to repeat this solo next so I have to pay attention, the look of disgruntlement on his face when I get it wrong is adorable, but I'd like to avoid it if possible.

My attention is pulled away when I hear what sounds like the front door being slammed open and subsequent footsteps rushing in our direction. I had never quite settled to a calm when here and since everything that had already occurred it was like my body was waiting for the chance to spring into action. Taking no time to think it over, I leap in between the pots strewn about and swing Leo up into my arms.

He wiggles and whines out his frustration at being pulled away mid-solo, but he soon stops when he looks up to my face, spotting something that has him drawing his arms around my neck and clinging tight to me. I look to the doorway opposite of where the footsteps are coming from and begin to make my way there.

Before I reach it I hear labored breathing and I am met with a ragged Gabriel in the opposing doorway.

At just the sight of him I feel myself moving backwards, but he looks so worn down I don't outright run away yet.

Hair askew and his black button-up shirt untucked, the unruly look which is far from what I am used to seeing from him is only part of what has me so weary, the look in his eyes is desperate, but as it settles on me and Leo it calms slightly.

"...Thank god." He mumbles to himself before speaking up as he shuffles forward towards us, "Arabella, you need to come with me."

My eyes widen and I shake my head, "Where's Luca and Nico?" I ask not knowing what to do, Luca said Gabriel was not a threat, but my previous interactions with him still had me unsure.

He pinches his side as he takes a slow breath, leaning on the kitchen counter, he seems shaky on his feet and I am debating whether to go towards him to help or to run and find Nico or Luca somewhere in the building.

"They're taking care of something, but they will join us as soon as they can. Right now I need you and Leo to come with me. We need to leave right away."

I am about to ask him another question about what's going on when Vincent, the man who had driven me home what feels like a lifetime ago, pops his head into the kitchen.

"Mr. Hawke, we need to leave now." He then spots me and gestures for me to come his way, "Ms. Davies, please come we need to evacuate the premises."

It was comforting to see the familiar face of Vincent, but the use of the word 'evacuate' had my eyebrows raising and my panic levels rising even more.

"What's going on?" I ask as I finally move towards the two of them, still skirting around Gabriel's large frame, I bee-line for Vincent as I hoist Leo up higher on my waist.

Vincent doesn't respond, instead turning and guiding us out of the apartment and to the elevator. The only indication I have that Gabriel is following us is the hitch I hear in his breath every few steps.

In the elevator the air is tense and I begin to grow frustrated with the lack of answers, but when Leo presses his face into the crook of my neck and shoulder, I force myself to relax and try to stay calm for the child in my arms.

Once in the basement garage we are hurried into the Rossi trademark large black SUV, as Vincent makes his way around the driver's side a loud bang rings out.

I scream and shoot to the ground of the SUV, covering Leo with my body yet again.

"Vincent, are you okay?" Gabriel yells out as more firing sounds off.

"I'll make it, cover me as I pull us out of here."

What I realize are the sounds of gunshots blare from every direction and the SUV begins to move. I turn my head to see Gabriel leaning out of the passenger window shooting in the direction behind us. 

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Hello! I hope everyone is doing well! As always let me know what you think!! I love to read all your comments!

I feel stuck and I need some inspiration, what are some things y'all are hoping to see- or character interactions you're looking forward to?

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