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Staying for breakfast with the boys proves to be entertaining with Luca and Nico fighting over just about everything, and Leo happy as a clam watching them bicker. I find out Nico is Luca's younger brother and he lives with Luca to help out with Leo, although when he tells me this Luca's scoff indicates otherwise.

I spend the morning laughing along, but eventually I have to get back to the real world, the real world being one that is devoid of attractive dark haired men and a bubbly boy.

With Luca stepping away to gather my belongings I am left in the kitchen with Nico and Leo, who had found his way back into my lap as I sit at the table. Leo quietly tugs and twists at the errant strands around my face as I unconsciously rub his back, soothing him.

"Do you have kids?" Nico asks as he watches me with his nephew.

"No, I grew up around a lot of kids so this is kind of second nature for me."

"Have a lot of siblings?"

His question has me hesitating before replying, "No, the orphanage I grew up in just meant a lot of kids were always coming in and out."

The pity I am used to seeing in people's eyes when they find out how I grew up never appears in his eyes. Taking a turn from the flirty funny demeanor from earlier I am faced with a kind smile that lights up his eyes in a way that brings butterflies to my stomach.

"You are a strong one aren't you." He asks rhetorically.

I look down and brush my hands through Leo's curls to try and hide the blush that has overcome my face.

Luca comes in, breaking the spell between us and I look up to him, donned in a suit and tie he cuts a commanding figure.

"Here is your bag and your shoes are by the door, we have a car waiting outside so we can drop you off wherever you need to go."

Nico stands and grabs Leo from my lap, the boy frowning as he's pulled from playing with my hair.

With my good arm stabilizing me I rise as well, and the height difference between me and the Rossi men becomes all the more obvious with my head only reaching their chests. Slightly overwhelmed from the Rossi sandwich I had unintentionally put myself in the middle of, I stumble back a bit as I gesture to the hall outside the kitchen.

"I know I'd just get lost in this maze of an apartment, so please lead the way."

At the door I slide into my worn down sneakers and I look to Leo to say goodbye.

"Thank you for letting me hang out with you, I had so much fun." I bring a hand up to his cheek as I stage whisper the next bit to him, "And next time start the drumming even earlier your Uncle Nico seems like he needs the noise first thing in the morning."

A heart melting giggle from Leo and a groan in exasperation from Nico are what I get in response and I turn to face Luca.

"Thank you so much for getting me all bandaged up, I really appreciate it."

"It was nothing to thank me for, we are the ones grateful for you." He tells me and despite knowing what he was thanking me for, I still blush and internally curse myself for my reaction.

Opening the front door, a scary looking bald headed man in a suit stands stiffly nearby, "This is Vincent he will be bringing you back home."

The name sounds familiar, but I can't put my finger on why.

I turn to face the Rossi men and express one last goodbye, Leo reaches out a hand to me and I squeeze it in my own before booping his nose.

Vincent walks me to the awaiting open elevator and as we step in Nico quickly hands Leo to Luca and takes a few fast steps to reach us. He grabs my good arm from my side and places a card in the palm of my hand, closing his hand over my own.

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