ACT 6 - four.

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"So, Violet is still working for you?" I asked as soon as we returned to our hotel room.

"Working for Mclaren" Lando corrected me. I didn't care if she worked for Mclaren or whatever.

She was still around him all the time and it bothered me. I was way more jealous now then I was before.

I don't know why, but I just didn't want her around him, or any girl.

"I don't like that" I said as I laid down on the bed. "Don't worry baby, I only want you"

It didn't matter how many times he told me he only wanted me. Lately, I was just too jealous.

But I needed to push that to the back of my mind, I was here for him and it was a difficult weekend already.

"How's the little nugget doing?" He asked as he crawled next to me and put his head on my belly.

"Okay, I think" I smiled.

"And how is my big nugget doing?" He looked up at me, with the cutest little smile. "Good too" I smiled.

He kissed my belly a few times and laid down next to me, putting his face in my neck. He always did that when he was horny.

But I wasn't gonna give in, we made a deal. 5 long months without sex and without coffee.

I was double fucked, but unfortunately not literally.

He kissed my neck and his hands traveled over my body. I chuckled. "Keep your hands to yourself"

He groaned but did as he was told.

"Are you nervous for next week?" He asked, trying to change the subject away from his probably hard dick.

I shook my head. "Not really, should I?"

My uncle's trail was next week but I was convinced that he would be charged with everything.

They didn't doubt my story anymore, the only thing they were still doubtful about was the text I send to Nora.

"No, but I thought you might be a little nervous"

There weren't many things I was nervous about, I wasn't nervous to do big presentations, I wasn't nervous to make big decisions and I certainly wasn't nervous to see him again.

He was a creepy guy anyways.

"Are you nervous for your race?" This time it was me who tried to change the subject.

He chuckled and shook his head. "Should I be nervous?"

"No, because you will do amazing"

We cuddled the entire evening while watching a movie. "Promise me one thing" he said all of a sudden.


"Don't make Zak fire Violet" he brushed his fingers against my arm, probably trying to be sweet. "Why?"

"Just don't" he mumbled.


I wasn't planning on doing that, but why did he want me to promise me that? Why did he want Violet around him?

"I promise I won't make Zak fire her" I mumbled.

"Thanks" he smiled and pulled me closer. "And don't be jealous, it's nothing romantic or something"

"Then what is it?"

He sighed. "She's poor, she's struggling, she really needs this job"

"Okay, I understand" and I really did, even though I always had an easy life. I never struggled, but I didn't want to make her life any harder.

If she keeps her hands to herself at least. Otherwise she was gonna meet a whole other Rae.

High stakes part 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora