ACT 3 - two.

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I spend a week in the hospital and I was released a couple of days ago.

Lando was being incredible, he was being so sweet, patient but also very protective.
I haven't left the house since I came back from the hospital.

I walked downstairs, I couldn't stand laying in bed the entire time anymore.
I was still in pain most of the time but I needed to do something.

Max and Lando immediately looked at me as I walked in the living room.
"You look..." Max started as he looked at me. "Good"

I spend two hours getting ready because I didn't want people's pity.
I covered up all my bruises and cuts, did my hair like I normally would and put on a fake tan.

I was looking like myself again - no one would suspect I was abused only a week ago.

"Where are you going?" Lando got up and walked up to me. "Hilton" I quickly answered.

I knew he wouldn't want that - he wanted me to stay inside for as long as possible.

But I just couldn't, I couldn't stay inside any longer. I needed to get out or I would go crazy.

"No" he softly said, he took a step closer, but still held his distance.

We didn't touch, kiss, cuddle or whatever since I came home from the hospital.

I felt bad for him because he did nothing wrong but I just wasn't ready for it, at all.
I flinched every time he wanted to touch me, I took a step back whenever he came too close.

But how could he possibly wanna kiss me when I looked like this? When I had cuts all over my body.

He probably stayed with me because he felt bad for me.

"Yes please Lando, I am losing my mind"

He sighed as he looked back at Max, who just shrugged his shoulders.

"Will Juliette be there?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yes she will go over things with me, everything that changed or important things that happened"

He was hesitant for a while but nodded after a while. "I will drive you there"

I wanted to drive myself, but I had to give him something. I knew he felt bad for what happened to me, even if he was definitely not to blame for it.

"Okay, thank you baby"

His lips curled up, just slightly but I knew it was because it was the first time in a while I called him baby or anything else besides his name for that matter.

We left soon after and even though I knew Lando definitely didn't agree with my decision, he still didn't fight it.

"Be careful and text me once in a while, okay?" He asked as he stopped in front of the hotel. I nodded but it was so weird between us.

Do we hug, kiss, give a handshake?

Before everything happened, we would kiss until our lips got sore.

"Thanks for driving me, bye" I waved awkwardly.

Fuck, that's definitely not how I wanted that to go.

I walked in the hotel with my chin up. I didn't want them to think I wasn't ready for this, they needed to believe I was fine.

Hilton was fine, I was fine, everything was fine.

"Rae, I am so happy to see you again" Juliette was waiting for me. I smiled as I saw her and wrapped my arms around her.

For some reason, touching and hugging her was way easier than touching Lando.

"Thank you for taking care of everything while I was..." I cleared my throat. "Away"

"Not a problem, everything was quite balanced anyways so we just kept it the same" she gestured to follow me to my office.

It was only then I noticed everyone was staring at me.

I couldn't blame them, they probably thought they would never see me again.

"So some directors of the board want to leave" Juliette said. I frowned at her. I was quite surprised to hear that, last time I spoke to them they were happy.

"Why?" I asked as we walked in my office.

"Uh- they think people will not want to come to Hilton anymore, since, you know.. you went away"

I chuckled. Unbelievable.

"Set up a meeting tomorrow morning with everyone, I want no excuses, everyone has to be there." I looked at her, grabbed my laptop and sat down.

I wanted to have a quiet day, but I guess that wasn't happening after all.

"I will do that right now" Juliette smiled as she walked to the door. "Good to have you back" she smiled before leaving my office.

I nodded, but I had to admit that I felt more pain than expected.

The cuts were aching, especially the one in my side. Not that I would admit that to anyone else but myself.

High stakes part 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ