ACT 2 - one.

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Rae's POV

I woke up with a terrible headache in a bed that wasn't mine, that wasn't Lando's.

I didn't recognize this bed, this room.

Where the fuck was I?

I tried to get up, but I noticed my hands were tied against the bed. Both of my hands. I was stuck, I couldn't move.

"Are you finally awake, princess?" Rhett smirked as he walked in the room.

I snapped my head to him. "What the-untie me, now" I snarled as I tugged at the ropes around my wrists. "Untie me fucking asshole"

"But you look so pretty" he said as he crawled on top of me. It was only then I realized I was only wearing my underwear.

My black lace underwear. Which I wore for Lando, in case he finally grew the balls to kiss me and I couldn't stop myself.

He did kiss me that night and it was magical, it was everything I ever wanted.

I dumped Mason for him, I wanted to do everything for him

Why did I leave his house that night? Why didn't I stay?

"Still thinking about Lando?" He smirked, letting his finger brush over my cheek, down to my neck and between my boobs. "He's a nobody though"

"Yeah well, I would've actually liked it if he tied me up instead of you" I tried to kick him off me, but Rhett was strong and unfortunately, I could only use my legs.

"Oh, but you will like it" he let his finger travel down my belly, until he reached my panties. "So sexy" he pulled the hem of my panties a bit down.

He eyes were so concentrated on my panties that he wasn't paying attention to my legs anymore.

I kicked him, right in his stomach. He fell off me for a minute until he put his hands around my neck. Tight, way too tight.

"You fucking bitch" he growled.

One hand was on my neck, his other hand was trying to get in my panties. I could feel his fingers against my skin.

Until someone grabbed him by the hair and pulled him off me.

I took a huge breath and started coughing. The fucker almost killed me.

"Did you lose your mind? We need her alive for now, you pig" someone yelled at him.


Sweet innocent Nora, who burned down my hotel, was now standing in front of me, looking down at me.

"So, queen Rae lost her crown" she chuckled. "Excuse my partner in crime, he can't seem to control himself around you"

"What the fuck do you want?" I tried to yell, but my throat was hurting, my head was pounding.

"For now, I want you to unlock your phone" she said, holding up my phone in front of me.

I snapped my head the other way. She just chuckled and nodded at Rhett. He grabbed my face and held it in front of the phone.

"Face recognition is such a nice innovation, don't you think?" She said as she held my unlocked phone in front of me.

"Let's go Rhett, you can have your fun with her later" she nudged him and they both walked out together.

I needed to get out of here and I needed to do it fast.

High stakes part 2Where stories live. Discover now