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Welcome back to Alpha and Omega everyone I'll be updating more quickly now. Anyway please remember to COMMENT, VOTE, and READ. XOXO BUTTERBALL.
Allen's Point of view

Aria looked at me while biting her lip. "You better not do anything inappropriate in my church." She said.

I let out a snort. "Yes ma'am, I promise to be on my best behavior no kidnapping, murder, or theft." I told her. Aria rolled her eyes then she pinched my upper arm hard.

"You know what I mean." She mumbled pouting. Her body jerked slightly when the collar shocked her. I should probably take that thing off of her. I thought

That's amazing; for once we agree on something I'm shocked. The voice said in awe.

Aria turned and pushed open the doors smiling. As we walked down the aisle she let out a sigh. "This is a wondrous sight. I knew that humans were capable of building enormous and amazing monuments but this, this is on another level." She muttered.

I stopped in front of the candles then I lifted my hand and lit them. "Still using pyro kinesis for things like that Allen? Come on now, I taught you better than that." Aria told me in amusement.

I shrugged. "Hey if it works, it works." I said. Aria came over to stand beside she looked at all of the candles, before she took her right hand and snuffed a nearby candle out with it.

"Yes it works, but it's never efficient. It's the human way of doing things and we aren't human." She told me smiling sadly. She raised her hand over the unlit candle and a small flame formed on the wick. After a moment the flame grew larger and Aria stopped.

She looked at me smiling gently. "Just use what I taught you, you can use some human methods but if you rely on them you're going to get yourself killed okay."

I let out a sigh. "Fine, I'll try to use more of what you taught me." I mumbled.

Aria sat down on one of the pews and began swinging her feet. I however continued exploring the church.

"Allen, hey Allen come here and look at this!" I looked back over my shoulder when I heard Aria call me. She was holding a book in her hand and looked very excited. She was even jumping up and down like a little kid.

I couldn't help but smile as I walked up to her. "What is it?" I asked.  However Aria smirked and hid the book behind her back.

"Guess what it is." She told me.

"But you called me over here to see it." I pointed out.

Aria pouted kept the book hidden. "Please Allen, just give it a guess." She begged.

I let out a sigh. "Okay, well considering our location the book you have is a bible. But not just any bible...your version of it." I guessed.

A smile slowly spread across Aria's face at my answer. "Good boy Allen, I'm glad to see you still remember your lessons. So for answering correctly you get a prize." She told me.

Aria open the bible and handed me something. When I looked at it, I made a noise similar to a dying horse. It was a photo of Aria in her true form taking a bathe.

"Why was this in there?!" I exclaimed.

She continued to smile. "Oh it wasn't, but I've had that photo just lying around and I thought you might like it. It should help you with special dreams." She told me.

Then she just opened the bible and started reading it. I looked at her. She really does have no modesty, I wonder if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I thought as I carefully placed the picture in my pocket.

I consider it both; by the way do you hear that? The voice asked. I wanted to ignore it but when I turned to look at the doors I saw myself standing there. I froze for a moment then ran a hand across my eyes, but the ghostly image stood there mocking me.

"This is a nice place, why haven't you destroyed it yet. Is it because you can't find any explosives? I can help with that and while we're at it we can tie that hot little piece of ass to the pillars, and watch everything crumble." The other me said pointing to Aria who walking up the steps to the second floor.

I covered my ears trying to block the voice out. "No, no, no. Shut up, why are you here? Shut the fuck up and go away." I hissed. The other me appeared next to me sitting on a nearby pew with his legs crossed.

"I'm here because you're not acting like your usual self, remember? I don't understand why you just don't take what you want, I mean I have Aria fooled you give that girl too much credit. If you want sex take it, you broke her control over you once so you can do it again." He told me calmly.

I glared at him in disgust. I would have done more but I knew for a fact he wasn't real so there was no point. He just calmly stared at me. "Go away." I growled.

"Nope, oh and if I were you, I would prepare yourself because I hear gunshots." He said before he disappeared. I let out a loud sigh then ran up to the top floor where Aria was.

She looked up when she saw me. "Allen what's wrong?" She asked frowning.

"Get down! I heard gunshots there are humans coming here!" I whispered. Her eyes widened but she followed my instructions. I sat down on the floor beside her.

She looked at me. "Are you sure that our attackers are human?" She asked softly.

"Positive." I mumbled. I tilted my head and listen closely I could hear the sound of footsteps approaching.

Heavy footsteps, armored troops maybe, no more than four or five men. I thought.

Good boy, who deserves a cookie? The voice asked. I ignored it and peeked over the banister to look down at the soldiers. I could see that they were Canadian soldiers and three of them were down stairs, while the other two we're heading up stairs each one taking a staircase.

I bit my lip as I tried to think of a plan. "Allen remove my collar, I promise I won't run away." Aria whispered.

I looked at her. "Why?"

She glance at the stairs. "These soldiers still worship me as their god if you remove my collar I can get us out of this without any unnecessary bloodshed." She told me softly.

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