Chapter 47

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Welcome back to Alpha and Omega guys, I hope you guys enjoy this. Anyway guys READ, VOTE and COMMENT guys it means a lot to me. XOXO BUTTERBALL


"I understand what it could be like to have someone else in your body. I met the darkness inside of my consciousness and it tried to take over, but you saved me. I saw your markings in there when you direct tethered with me, thank you Allen." I told him smiling.

Allen smiled at me. "After you heal up enough, you should be able to return to your human form safely. Then when you feel better we'll head for the center of the equator." He told me.

"We have to head to San Antonio De Pichincha, Ecuador. Now that's a far trip down south especially considering where we are." I said.

"I'm sorry I dragged you all the way up here Mistress." Allen apologized.

"You have no reason to apologize, I actually enjoyed the trip here it was fun. I got to have a good time with you." I told him smiling.

I struggled to sit up. "By the way you were going to take me a few other places, if you don't mind can I ask what those places were?" I asked.

Allen blushed. "Well Aria, let's just say that while we were apart I met some very questionable people." He told me.

I let out a little laugh which caused me to wince.


Luka's Point Of View


My marking was hurting and it wouldn't fucking stop. Even as I lay in bed trying to get some sleep. Malachy was whimpering every few minutes to. I finally gave up on trying sleeping and went to comfort Malachy.

I sat down on the floor, next to her large body and began to stroke her back. "It's okay I know it hurts, but it will be okay." I told her softly. Malachy whimpered and placed her paw in my hand.

When she did I saw a vision of Aria in her true form, talking calmly with Allen in a church. "We have to head to San Antonio De Pichincha, Ecuador. Now that's a far trip down south especially considering where we are." She said.

Allen winced. "I'm sorry for dragging you up here Mistress."

I frowned and looked at Malachy ;in the vision I noticed that Aria had been wounded. She had bandages around her stomach area. "Malachy does your stomach hurt?" I asked her.

She whimper loudly in response and I rubbed her back. "I wonder what that bastard did to her." I whispered. Then I frowned as I remembered what had been on that tape from the soldier.

Maybe he let her get hurt, still even so that's bad if he's supposed to her familiar on any level. I thought.

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