Chapter 19

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Welcome back my dear readers to  Alpha and Omega, for this chapter I divide it into Luka's point of view and Aria's point of view I thought you'd all enjoy a bit of Luka's point of view, which is interesting to say the least. Please Read & Review. XOXO Zenovia.


Eren's eyes settled on Luka. "Shouldn't you wake my brother, I mean shouldn't you wake Luka up?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Luka is a deep sleeper when he doesn't need to be on watch all the time, so unless I tell him to wake up, he won't." I told him as I glanced back at Luka.

I grabbed his arm and grinned up at him. "Now Eren, shall we go make dinner?"  I suggested.  I held Eren's hand as I began to lead him to the kitchen. As we were walking through the main room, he spoke.

"Mistress, why am I here?" He asked as he let me lead him.

"I was waiting for you to ask that, also you can call me Aria whenever you feel like it. I swear I won't get mad." I told him then I slowed my pace and looked up at Eren.

"I created you more for Luka than anything. He needs someone other than me to protect him and keep him company. Luka may act like he doesn't like you, but it's just him reacting to you naturally. Just keep trying to learn from him and eventually he'll stop treating you the way he does." I informed Eren.

I held the kitchen door open for him as we came to our destination.  I walked over to the kitchen cabinets and opened them. I looked back at Eren, who sat at the table. "What do you want to eat Eren?" I asked as I grabbed a large pot from the cabinet.

Eren frowned. "May I have some beef stew?" He asked.

I smiled. "Well it's good to know that you and Luka have the same taste almost." I said as I grinned. As I removed the ingredients from the larger nearby fridge Luka walked into the kitchen yawning.

He blinked sleepily. "What are you making Mistress?" He asked me.

"Beef stew Eren said he was hungry." I informed Luka. Luka yawned again, his fangs showing and he sat down at the table across from Eren. I smiled as I cut vegetables. Behind me, I could hear Eren trying to start a conversation with Luka, but Luka was practically ignoring him and brushing him off.

As I was stirring the stew and seasoning it, I glance back to see Eren pouting at Luka while Luka gave him a bored look. "Luka stop being mean to your brother." I told him trying not to giggle.

Luka let out a sigh at my reprimanding him. "Yes Aria, I'll try." He mumbled.

I could only smile at his current attitude. "Luka after you and Eren finish dinner, I need you to start his training. Try the bow and arrow first." I told Luka.


Luka's Point Of View


"Huh?" I asked in shock while I loved my Mistress with everything I had I honestly couldn't believe what she was suggesting.

Aria smiled at me. "I want you to train your brother in weapons, start out with the bow and arrows it'll be easier on him." She repeated.

Easier on him, dammit, I fucking hate this brat. I thought as I shot Eren an icy glare. He paled and looked away from me.

I let out a sigh. "Alright Mistress." I replied as Aria placed two bowls of stew down on the table. She gave both me and Eren a smile before she proceeded to walk back to her room.

As I was eating I felt Eren staring at me. I looked at him. "What in the hell are you looking at?" I snapped which caused him to flinch.

He gave me a sad look. "Why do you hate me?" He asked softly.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "I don't hate you, I don't like you." I informed him.

Eren winced. "That's the same thing. I only do what Mistress Aria tells me so I don't know why you don't like me so much." He whispered.

I froze as a memory came to me. It was the memory of when I had almost gotten my Mistress killed, I trusted filthy humans over her judgment and I failed her. I allowed a filthy human to harm her and it left a scar at that.

I let out a sigh. "I don't like you because you're too weak. I've guarded Aria for years longer than anyone but her and I can count. And in all these years of helping her and protecting her, only once has truly gotten hurt. It was back when I was still young, a lot older than you but still very naive. Now Eren I have to ask you one thing. If you went out into the human world with Aria, how would you protect her from harm?" I explained calmly as I looked Eren in the eye.

He stared back at me then his eyes turned golden. "I would protect her using whatever methods I need to, even if I have to give up my own life." He told me calmly. I let out an amuse snort as Eren's eyes returned to their default color. I smiled, then I continued to eat.

"Hurry up and eat after this I need to take you to the training ground." I told him. After we finished eating I washed the dishes then carefully. Then led I him to the training ground.

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