Chapter 13

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Welcome back my dear readers to another chapter of Alpha and Omega, I based the Jersey Devil's appearance off the game The Wolf Among us, but when I did research on the Jersey Devil the mythology on him said he could look like anything so I just choose something creepy but I hope you enjoy my dear readers and please. Read and Review. XOXO Zenovia


After a few moments of adjusting to my new form Luka rose to his own hooves. Then after giving me a smile he began bounding and prancing gracefully up a nearby ledge.

I followed after him, but only slower and less gracefully after what seemed like hours of leaping, running, and prancing through what appeared to be miles upon miles of odd forest terrain, Luka stopped suddenly ahead of me.

The placed he stopped was on a ledge as I reached him I looked down the ledge to see nothing but arid, barren desert below. "This appears to be the place Mistress, I'd advise you to be careful. We don't know what awaits us in this terrain." Luka warned.

He took a slow step forward, then sat down on the slope of the cliff, then he began sliding down as though he were on a sliding on a children's waterslide. When he reached the bottom he stood up and turned to look at me. "Mistress its okay, just copy what I did." He told me.

I let out a sigh before I carefully sat down and copied Luka's actions. When I reached the bottom of the hill the first thing I noticed was the climate. Hot air instantly blew into my face and the sun shined brightly exposing the wasteland like dessert that contrasted with the dark yet lush forest we had just been in.

Luka sniffed the nearby ground, which of course was covered in sand. "Mistress Aria...this place it smells of blood and death." He whispered looking at me sadly.

I looked toward the large sand dunes. "When the Jersey Devil roamed freely in this area, he killed countless humans who tried to merely travel through this area. I estimated the number of his victims to be at least two thousand humans in total all of different genders, ages, ethnicities, and nationalities." I explained.

Then looked down at the ground. "When I placed the barrier up to protect the humans the number of his victims greatly decreased of course, but humans are always curious and with the world declining the way it is...truth be told it was only a matter of time before Jersey broke free."

Luka nuzzled my neck. "Mistress this is not your fault, if the humans were curious about something so dangerous that they had to venture through such a horrid place then they were the fools not you." He told me sternly.

I felt myself smile. "Thank you Luka, I don't know what I'd do without you." I told him. He smiled at back at me. This time I began walking ahead of him leading the way for him.

As we walked and walked I noticed that even though we had been walking for miles the sun hadn't moved a bit. There was no way we were collapsed somewhere in this desert from lack of water because we didn't need food or water to survive.

Our first illusion set up by Jersey. I thought. I stopped walking and Luka looked at me. "Aria?" He asked.

"Luka when I start running I want you to run and when I jump, jump with me okay." I told him.

Luka frowned looking confused. "Okay Mistress."

I turned to the east and took off at the fastest gallop my body could manage. He was right beside me, his pace matching mine as we reached an abnormally large and oddly shaped sand dune I leaped into the air using my speed as momentum.

Luka followed me ramming his horns into the mirror like barrier that Jersey had made. As we both landed on our hooves a few feet away the world around us began to melt and warp. Then it simply fell to pieces.

Luka for once in a long time looked stunned as we were suddenly surrounded by an abandoned ghost town. All of the buildings were made of wood that had long ago started to rot, in some buildings piles of sand leaked out of the doorways and broken windows.

"Mistress how did you know that it was an illusion?" Luka asked still slightly shocked.

I gave him a small smile. "The sun didn't move no matter how far we walked." I told him.

Luka glanced around. "Where are we?" He asked looking around.

"This is the old Nebraska or rather the Jersey Devil's first hunting grounds." I told him.

I frowned. "At first he started eating like a ghoul stealing and eating the corpses of the recently departed. After a while he decided that he was just too good to be eating rotting flesh, so he wanted fresh meat." I looked towards one of the nearby abandoned houses.

"At first he started out small with family pets and local livestock then he moved on to bigger game, by the time I found him, he was constantly sneaking into houses and kidnapping multiple people at a time." I explained.

"Luka we'll need our human forms once again if Jersey is going to be this difficult." I told Luka. He smoothly changed back into his human form, then knelt in front of me, placing his forehead to mine so that I could take a human form.

His markings glowed as I transformed thankfully when I changed back into my human form there was less pain this time just a bit of cramping and aching.

I sighed with relief as I got to my feet and stretch. "Is all my clothing there Luka?" I asked him to make sure I was fully clothed.

"Yes Mistress it's not a repeat of last year's incident." Luka told me letting out a small snicker as he remembered said embarrassing incident.

I gave him a mock glare. "You better just delete that from your memory right now because it will never ever happen again." I grumbled.

"Why yes of course Mistress." He chuckled. I just sighed, then survey the town.

"Luka let's head to the pawn shop first if there's one thing about Jersey is that he's a creature of habit. He always goes back to the places he made his first kills." I told him as we began walking.

I noticed that Luka was on edge as we came to the pawn shop. He slowly removed one of his hidden poison daggers before opening the creaky, rotten wooden door.

As we enter I instantly heard the sound of something crunching, it was the like the sound of a dog or a human trying to eat a bone.

A moment later a seemingly human man rose up from behind the long empty, dusty glass counter. The man had very balding, ginger, red hair and pale skin. He wore small rimmed glasses that barely stayed on his large nose. He had a pot belly, which was odd on his thin body. The man wore a plain white shirt and suspenders.

I smirked. "Jersey, your human form is horrible mediocre at best." I told the Jersey Devil.

The man who was indeed the Jersey Devil frowned in disgust, then spit off to the side. "Oh well if it isn't the Goddess herself, oh and look at this she brought a mutt guard dog with her." Jersey grumbled as he dispelled his human form.

The Jersey Devil's real appearance resembled that of a skinned human body with all the muscle and veins showing. Jersey's head was the skull of a goat, but instead of goat horns he had deer antlers. His feet were black hooves, but he had human hands. Jersey's head was equipped with shark like rows of fangs and teeth instead of the normal goat teeth.

Jersey chuckled. "So to what do I owe the pleasure of meeting the Bitch and her Beast?"

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