Chapter 17

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Welcome back my dear readers to  Alpha and Omega I hope you are enjoying the story. Please Read and Review. XOXO Zenovia.


I was wearing one of my pure white sleeveless nightgowns and my hair had been placed into one neat ponytail. I yawned as I walked over to my large bedroom door and opened it slowly.

When I did I saw a large black lion sitting in front of my door smiling happily. Luka got up and began nuzzling my legs. "Good morning Mistress." He purred.

I scratched him behind his ear and smiled. "Good morning to you to Luka."

Luka licked my hand. "Mistress follow me, I have something to show you." He told me.

As I followed Luka to the grand hall I admired my temple.

I can't believe it's been so long since I've been in my own home. I thoughtt as I glanced out into the garden. I frowned. Even with all the destruction in the human world, my world is the only place that is completely peaceful. I thought.

As I entered the grand hall I noticed a strong and pungent scent of  blood. I continued to frown as I walked to the middle of the large room. In the middle of the room was a bloodied white sheet. I could see that the sheet was covering a large pile of something.

Luka approached the sheet now in human form and removed it. Underneath were a multitude of animal and human corpses. He folded the bloody sheet over his arms, then looked at me his eyes bright red. "I took the liberty of gathering the parts needed to make...another familiar." He told me.

However I couldn't help but notice that his face was blank and expressionless.

Does he dislike the idea of a new familiar being here? I wondered. "I'm sorry Luka, if you're uncomfortable with this. But I hope you understand that I have reasons why I must do this." I told him carefully.

Luka gave me a small smile before bowing slightly before me. "Of course I understand, Mistress." He said.

I turned and examined the corpses without touching them. I allowed my own aura to slither through the pile in individual tendrils. As they did, I noticed that a lot of the corpses while dead still had their soul attached to them. I drew my aura back and it receded back into my body like a snake going into a dark hole to hide.

I turned back to Luka. "Have these souls been cleansed?" I asked.

He nodded before he answered me. "Of course Mistress. I wanted to make it easier on you when you chose a soul for the new familiar. Any souls that you don't need I shall help them move on." Luka explained to me. I stared at the corpses for a moment.

"Okay then, Luka help me move these to the summoning altar." I told him, as I laid my hand on the pile of corpses. Luka also placed his hand on the pile and in the next moment we were spirited away to the altar room.

My altar room was a sacred place that resembled the rooms that they used for Mayan and Aztec sacrifice rituals. In the middle of the room was a stone table where I would combine the pieces I found suitable out of all the corpses to create a new familiar, a new friend.

The walls were made of gray stone, brick and dome shaped. From the wall hang torches that I had received during the medieval and Renaissance period as a gift from a noble land owner. Every brick in the room was covered in my aura to keep the souls I would use from becoming tainted.

Luka looked around as his eyes widened in what I presumed to be awe. "So this is where I was created." He said softly.

"Oh that's right, you've never been in here, have you?" I asked. He shook his head, then looked at the corpses.

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