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Welcome back to Alpha and Omega everyone, I'm excited because I'm graduating high school completely tomorrow or rather June 6th. Anyway I hope you guys enjoy this chapter because it was awesome to write this. Please remember to READ, COMMENT and VOTE. Your opinions mean a lot to me guys. XOXO BUTTERBALL. Ps this page is for @thirteenforeverlove

and also @MistyDawn9

who are both good friends


I growled low in my throat. "What do I have to do for you to be quiet?" I mumbled. You could actually help our Mistress instead of hurting her! The voice snapped.

I could feel Aria staring at me so I looked at her and spoke. "Why and the hell are you looking at me?" I asked slowly.

Aria looked away nervously. "I was wondering if you're okay and if we can take a walk outside?" She asked me hesitantly. I frowned at her as I considered her request.

After a moment I nodded slowly. "I guess we can take a walk around the block or something." I mumbled.

Aria smiled at me which an odd sight was considering what I had done to her as of late.


Aria's Point Of View


Staying cooped up inside the house was making me feel tired and sluggish. I wonder if he used his aura to coat the house. I wondered. I stood up and Allen tossed me a sweater. "Wear this so that the humans won't see the collar." He told me.

As I put on the sweater I noticed that it smelled slightly like him. I smiled slightly at the familiar smell that I was sure I had forgotten long ago. Allen grabbed me by my hand as he took me to the front door. "Stay close to me, if I catch you trying to run away there will be trouble. I don't care how many humans are there." Allen warned me.

I nodded slowly. "I understand." I whispered as Allen led me outside. I looked up at the cloudy sky as my eyes adjusted to the new light source.

I let out a small sigh of content as cold air glided across my face. "To get too comfortable, you won't be out here that long." Allen told me. Then we began walking.

Allen took me to a park. When we reached the park Allen sat down on a nearby bench then gestured to the open park. "Go play or something." He mumbled, leaning back on the bench. I glared at him.

"I'm not a child." I hissed but Allen dismissed my comment with a wave of his hand.

I let out a sigh then began to walk around the park taking a walk down a nearby path that led into a very close woodland area. I had stopped to rest under a tree when I heard a small growl. I looked in the direction the sound came from.

There was an abnormally large wolf standing there. Its snout was covered in blood as were its fur. However the wolf didn't appear to be hurt. I stared at it before I spoke. "Were creature or shape shifter?" I asked slowly. I looked at the creature's eyes. It had one silver iris and one bright gold iris.

The creature rose to stand on its hind legs as it continued to growl at me. "So a shape shifter huh then you shouldn't be a complete beast." I mumbled getting to my feet.

The wolf pointed at me while growling. "You, you created us then abandoned us!" It growled. I smiled as I got to my feet.

"Child, that lie is as old as time itself." I whispered.

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