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Chapter 21:Isn't It Tragic

______________________________________________________Aria's Point Of View


It was around noon when I felt someone enter purgatory, and this person was very much alive. A small, sharp, pain flashed through my head as the person walked through my barrier. I instantly knew who this person was and I called Luka to my room.

When Luka came to my room, he looked slightly confused. I picked up a nearby file and handed it to Luka. I needed to get him out of here now. Once I explained the assassination mission to Luka, he nodded. "Yes Mistress it shouldn't take me more than a day." He told me as he scanned the file quickly. Then he left my room.

The moment he left my room, I changed into one of my ceremonial robes. Then I waited until he had completely left this realm before I left my room.

I walked down the hallway in search of Eren and after a moment of searching I found him training vigorously with two daggers. "Eren come with me and keep your daggers hidden." I told him.

"Yes Mistress." He replied.

"Also I know you're going to be shocked Eren but I advise you to keep quiet, that is, unless you're spoken to." I told him.

"Yes Mistress." He told me.

Lately Eren had gotten used to certain things which I was very thankful for. I took a deep breath before I opened the doors to the grand hall. Inside stood the person I wanted to see the least. I let out a sigh. "Hello Allen." I told him.

Allen looked at me slowly. Allen was my First creation; he was also my first familiar. Allen had dark blue eyes, almost the color of sapphires. His hair was dark red and almost as long as Eren's. As I looked him over I noticed that he was injured. One of his eyes was missing in fact; a small yet long scar ran over his left eyelid which he kept closed.

Allen smirked. "So this is your new look Aria. Well I have to say that you do look like a filthy human." He told me sneering. I sat down with my legs tucked under me and Eren followed my lead only he sat behind me.

Allen sat down and smiled at me. "So Aria not only do you have a new look, but you also have a new dog."

Allen smiled at Eren. "So boy what's your name?" He asked slowly.

"My name is Eren." He told him calmly.

"Eren huh, that name means saint right. Mine means harmony." Allen told Eren.

I let out a sigh. "Allen what do you want?" I asked in irritation.

He frowned. "I just came to see how you were doing after talking to a few let's just say unique people." He told me then looked me up and down.

"I can't believe you have a human form. All they're good for is about your human form Aria can you fuck as well as some humans?" He asked me.

I let out a sigh. "Allen this human body is just a shell I made for myself; it's basically the same thing as me using a human catalyst." I informed him.

Allen smirked once again as he looked at Eren.

"Hey Eren do you want to know why I don't serve our dear Mistress anymore?" He asked Eren then he gave me a wide smile.

"Our dear Mistress practically exiled me when I started eating black auras. Now she'll tell you that it's horrible, but if you acquire the right taste for it, trust me it's delicious and definitely worth the corruption." Allen said.

I sighed. "Eren please leave us." I told him. Eren got up and calmly left the room, closing the door behind him. Allen suddenly grabbed my hand and a cold chill washed over my skin.

It was like a bunch of snakes were crawling all over me. I struggled in Allen's grip. "Let go." I hissed.

Allen smiled at me as he stroked my wrist. "Hm, I change my mind. I must say Aria you have a pretty nice human form." He told me smirking.

Putting some of my aura into my palms I pushed him away from me. "Get away you tainted beast." I snarled. I looked at the place where he touched my arm. The skin had turned red and faint gray markings were coiling around the area.

I glared at Allen, who smiled at me. "What did you do?" I hissed.

Allen let out a chuckle. "I was just giving you a taste of the delicious aura that I partake in whenever I feel like it." I continued to glare at him as I felt the dark aura move around as it searched for my nonexistent soul.

I winced as a sharp pain shot through my chest only to disappear moments later. He sighed and looked outside. "Well I'll be going now Aria, it was definitely an interesting time." He told me as he rose to his feet. A moment later waves of dark aura cloaked his body, then he faded away.

I let out a sigh as I climbed to my feet and walked out of the grand hall. Eren was standing next to the door looking worried and anxious. He was frowning until he saw me. "Mistress are you okay, you look a bit pale?" Eren asked gently.

He went to touch me but I moved away. "Don't touch me right now Eren, you'll get tainted." I warned him.

He froze. "I'm going to go cleanse myself. Oh and Eren I hate doing this but, as your Mistress I command you to not speak of Allen." I commanded him. His irises went dull and he kind of stared into space for a moment before nodding.

I walked off to the grand bathroom. As I was soaking in the oversized bathtub I noticed that the gray marking was tingling. I touched it and when I pulled my hand back, I saw that there was something similar to spider web clinging to my hand. Except the web had a smoother, silkier feeling to it.

Even though my body was cleansed of the dark, malicious aura I still felt oddly cold inside. What had Allen done to me? I wondered as I sighed and closed my eyes. "Mistress Aria, I'm back." Luka told me as he entered the room.


Luka's Point Of View


As I entered the grand bathroom, I saw Aria lounging in the Olympic sized bath tub. "Mistress Aria, I'm back." I told her as I reached her side. I stopped as I noticed something. On her left arm was an odd gray mark that coiled around it.

I saw a faint spider web like substance coming off of her left arm. I reached down and brushed my fingers across the marking a moment later Aria jumped away from me. I looked down at my fingers to see the silky; spider web like substance now coated them.

She let out a sigh. "Luka don't sneak up on me like that, I didn't even sense you." She told me then gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

But for some reason I was more focused on the webbing. "Mistress...are you going into hibernation?" I asked slowly.

Aria frowned, then touched her left arm. When she removed her hand some of her cocoon webbing was on it. She stared at her hand for a moment, then let out a string of curses. "Oh no." She whispered. I frowned deeply; the last time my Mistress went into hibernation was about five thousand years ago.

When she went into hibernation, it was like a type of phase her body went through to restore her power.

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