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Welcome back to Alpha and Omega my dear readers. I hope you are liking the story because I sure am. I'd like to dedicate this chapter to Crazy_author231 who helped me with a bit of proof reading and some constructive criticism. She's awesome. I'd also like to give some love to a fellow anime lover Choco57 . Anyway guys don't forget to READ, VOTE and COMMENT. XOXO BUTTERBALL


I carefully examined the eye patch before I began to carefully weave some of my aura into it once I finished the collar sent a small shock through me. I looked at the eye patch. It was glowing slightly as my aura took the time to fuse with it a moment or two later however the glowing stopped.

I put the eye patch on over my golden colored iris since that was the one that usually stood out the most. I looked over at Allen but he wasn't looking at me or rather he wouldn't look at me. "Allen, what's wrong?" I asked frowning.

I went to touch him but he moved away from me. "Nothing is wrong with me, I...I just have a bad headache okay." He mumbled.

I stared at him worried. "Really? Let me see I may be able to stop it." I told him. I reached out to touch his familiar marking however Allen slapped my hand away.

I let out a sigh of frustration. "Allen, I can't help you if you don't even let me touch you." I told him frowning.

Allen let at a sigh also then nodded. "Okay." He mumbled.

I reached out again and this time touched his familiar marking. I could sense that he did have a headache but I also saw something else a very, specific dream. I removed my hand and looked at him.

"Well someone is feeling unsatisfied." I chuckled. Allen blushed and looked away from me.

"Just be quiet okay." He told me. I shrugged.

"Well you do have a headache you know. But if you're feeling so pent up that you're having, wet dreams you should find a random human and quick." I suggested.

Allen glared at me. "You know, you could help solve the problem." He told me.

I smirked and cocked my head to the side. "Nope. Well, at least not while you're tainted." I told him.

Allen let out a groan, rubbed a hand over his face and turned away then got to his feet. "Come on let's keep walking." He told me frowning.


Allen's Point Of View


She was laughing at me. I knew Aria well enough to know when she found something funny and when she didn't. Right now she was walking beside me whistling with an amused expression on her face.

I rolled my eyes. This was what I get for letting her too close again. I let out a sigh and massaged my left temple. I had a mild migraine that just wouldn't disappear. "Where exactly are we going once we get to Canada?" Aria asked me.

She picked up a nearby stick and began to twirl it between her fingers. She grinned as she swiftly moved the stick through her fingers like a baton. I couldn't help but smile.

"I plan on going to Montreal or maybe Winnipeg." I told her.

Aria looked at me still smiling. "Really? Hmm...When we go I want to see the landmarks that the humans made if they're still there, will you take me?" She asked.

I let out a snort. "I'm already technically taking you. But what happened to you wanting to go straight to the reset point." I reminded her.

Aria shrugged. "If I'm being dragged to somewhere nice I might as well enjoy the scenery if I can." She said.

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