Chapter 43

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Welcome back to Alpha and Omega everyone, after this update tonight I'm posting one more chapter/ page then I'm done for tonight :). Anyway I hope you guys enjoy. And please don't forget to READ, COMMENT, and VOTE. XOXO BUTTERBALL


Aria smiled at me. "Well at least try to eat some of the food they have here, one of the humans went out and gathered bowls of fresh fruit." She told me.

I looked at Aria. "Will it make you stop worrying about me?" I asked her.

She nodded then smiled. "Yeah it will help."

I got to my feet. "Alright then, I'll go eat something." I told her as I walked off.

I headed for the nearest table with food on it and my hallucination followed me.

"I will never understand why you just do what she says. Tell me what about her makes you just follow her lead?" He asked me. I let out a low growl as I glanced at the hallucination.

"When are you going to leave me alone?" I asked him.

The hallucination of me shrugged. "When I feel like it, I'm here until you return to normal after all. But hey, I'm not complaining your body is comfortable, plus with Aria around the view looks great." He told me smiling.

I rolled my eyes and bit into a piece of watermelon. I was leaning against the wall when I heard an odd sound. I almost instantly knew what it was, a muffled gunshot. I walked toward the sound of the noise until I saw a lone soldier, standing over the dead body of another soldier.

His back was to me and he seemed to be talking over an earpiece to someone. I didn't see a weapon in his hands, but I did see an odd looking blue button in his right hand.

I frowned as I removed one of my hidden daggers and slowly moved forward, until I stood behind him. Then I tackled him, pushing the soldier to the ground and putting my knife to his throat. "What are you doing?" I asked slowly.

The human glared up at me then started laughing. "You, you were with that female monstrosity, that thing it's pretty to look at but it's a crime against god." He chuckled.

I let out a growl and slammed the human's head against a nearby rock. "I'll ask again. What in the hell are you doing?" I hissed.

The man continued laughing even with blood running down his forehead. "I'm calling my comrades to eradicate that butterfly bitch, goddess or not she's evil, and therefore she must die." He told me.

I jammed the blade of my knife right into the center of his throat. The man made a gurgling sound as he tried to talk but blood spilled out of his mouth.

He smirked at me.

"Y-you f-fool...haven''s....s-switch." He said as carefully as he could. My eyes widened and I looked at the blue button to see that the man no longer had it in his grip.

I picked it up and noticed that it was making a small beeping noise. I bit my lip as I removed my dagger. Should I smash it? I wondered.

"Humans always seek to destroy each other; they come up with bigger and better ways to do it each time. Honestly I'm surprised that their species is still around." The hallucination said as he looked at the blue button.

"Aria, she'll know what to do." I whispered.

I turned and ran back to her, I found Aria sitting under a tree near the entrance gate. "Allen you're back...wait why are you cover in blood? What did you do?" She asked me frowning.

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