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Aria's Point Of View


I sat in the bathtub watching Luka who in turn seemed to be thinking about something. "Mistress, do you have any idea why your hibernation phase started early?" He asked.

Allen's face instantly popped into my head and I instantly felt guilty. As some humans say if it feels wrong then you shouldn't be doing it. I thought.

"I think it's because I spent too much time in the human world. It's been years since I've been back here." I told him.

I climbed out of the bath tub and toweled off. "I think before I go into hibernation, I want to cut Eren's hair a bit shorter." I informed Luka.

I grabbed some clean clothes that nearby and put them on. I walked into my room and grabbed some metal scissors from a drawer, then went to the garden to find Eren. I found him lying on the deck just relaxing and looking up at the sky. "Eren can you sit up for me?" I asked. He looked up at me and sat up looking confused.

"Oh I'm just going to cut your hair a bit. I've been meaning to do it, it's in case you get into a fight. There are human that like to pull on long hair to inflict pain or grab it to pull you closer." I told him as I sat behind him.

I began to slowly cut his hair so that it reached the middle of his back. "Aria how come you always call Luka when you're hungry, I thought I was your familiar too?" He asked.

I couldn't help but laugh. "I call Luka because he's an adult Eren, me and him do adult things that feed me. But currently you're still a child even though your body doesn't look it." I explained as I ran my fingers through his hair.

Eren pouted slightly and I smiled at him. "Don't worry Eren when I finish hibernating you'll be an adult." I told him gently.

Eren turned to me slightly. "You're going away Mistress?" He asked.

"I'm just going to sleep for a couple of weeks; I'll still be at home. You can even visit me if you want." I told him. I ran my fingers through his hair again as I finished cutting it.

"Eren look at me." I said as I climbed to my feet. He looked up at me and I smiled at him.

"Perfect." I said.

I woke up early in the morning; no it was more like my body forced me to wake up because I still felt sleepy. I wriggled out of Luka's arms, then climbed out of bed. I walked over to my door and opened it before I began walking down the long hallway.

I made a left and went into the cleansing room or rather the room we used to cleanse souls before we use them. I opened the door to the room, then I went and sat down in the middle of the floor. The webbing on my skin seemed to slowly crawl off and connect me to the floor.

As I sat in that same spot completely out of energy the webbing started to swallow up my hands and feet in a cocoon like fashion. Soon I could no longer hold my eyes open and they slipped closed. I felt the cocoon webbing continue to crawl across my skin as I slipped into unconsciousness.

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