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Welcome back to Alpha and Omega everyone I hope you are liking the story. And please remember to READ, COMMENT, and VOTE. Your opinions mean a lot to me. XOXO BUTTERBALL. By the way the above image is Allen's panther form.


Aria crossed her arms and glared at me. "I don't think Luka can beat you, I know he can. He's older than Eren, a lot older so your little sneak attack won't take him down." She growled. I rolled my eyes at her comment.

"You think he can beat me when he couldn't even protect you." I reminded her.

Aria sighed. "I got this scar a long time ago." She told me.

"That's one thing, but Luka wasn't there to protect you when I came to take you now was he." I pointed out.

Aria frowned then started playing with a strand of her hair. "He wasn't there at the time because I screwed up and hurt his feelings. I lied to him about you." She whispered.

"Still if can't even be there when you need him then he's useless just scrap him and make one that you can actually use for something." I told her. Aria's eyes widened for a moment then she slapped me.

"How dare you say that you monster!" She snapped I noticed that her voice changed slightly and her aura's strength fluctuated a lot. I looked at her in shock in all the years I've known Aria I've never seen her mad.

I found myself suddenly scared of her and I scrambled away from her. Outside the bedroom window a tree suddenly wilted at the sudden energy coming from Aria. I looked around frantically as she took a step toward me. I could practically see the energy gathering around her.

Since she had made me take almost all the shackles off of her I had no way to really stop her rampage unless I knocked her out.


Aria's Point Of View


I was pissed! Allen had gone beyond over the line when he suggested that since Luka hadn't helped me then I should just throw him away. So I slapped him without a second thought.

The collar sent an electric shock through my body to reprimand me for my actions against Allen, but that didn't stop me as I slowly marched toward him. I could feel my aura starting to slip out as it struggled against the locks. Around me the environment began to change as my aura affected it.

I noticed a tree outside suddenly wilt and the sky cloud over. Allen slowly got to his feet eyes carefully watching me as I came toward him. We stared at each other for a moment before Allen quickly got to his feet.

Then he changed forms. A large komodo dragon suddenly stood across from me. I narrowed my eyes at his new form then I forced myself to calm down I definitely did not want him to poison me. Allen watched me very carefully as I forced myself to calm down and forced the locks back on my aura.

Allen licked his lips before changing back into his default form. "Are you calm now?" He asked slowly.

I glared at him. "Yeah." I grumbled.

Allen sighed. "I'm sorry; maybe I shouldn't have said that." He told me carefully. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah whatever Allen." I mumbled as I sat back down on the bed.

Allen's Point Of View


Aria wouldn't talk to me even though I had apologized. "Are you hungry?" I asked her as I grabbed my coat. She just stared at the floor without answering me. She's angry because you're treating someone she loves like a plaything. The voice told me.

I ignored it however. "I'm going out try not to do anything stupid." I told Aria as I left the house. However Aria didn't speak back to me. I let out a sigh once I was outside. She has to be hungry. I thought. I remembered her body's reaction when I fed her through direct tethering.

As I was walking by an alley I heard a loud clang I looked down the alley to see a man acting oddly. I opened the eye I usually kept close and look at him. I could now see a slightly dark aura that surrounded the man's body. I noticed that he was dragging a trash bag. As he did the aura that surrounded a man grew darker.

I slowly and silently walked up behind him and spoke slowly. "Disposing of bodies now are we." I said smirking.

The man whirled around to face me. I noticed that his eyes looked crazed and frantic. "I'm just throwing trash away, I ain't disposing of shit." He protested.

I let out a chuckle. "Yep I dispose of things in shifty looking alleys all the time." I said casually.

The man pulled out a knife and pointed it at me however I just grinned. "You saw nothing! I swear if you saying anything I'll cut your eyes out!" The man threatened.

I glanced at the trash bag then I laughed at the man's stupid attempt to threaten me. I looked back at the frantic man before I changed into a panther which was one of my default transformations at this point. The man's eyes widened as I came closer to him.

"Y-you're one of those fucking were creatures or damn shape shifters aren't you. Stay away from me!" The man screamed. I smirked and my face muscles twitched as my panther body changed expressions.

"Really that's what you believe I am?" I chuckled. The man's eyes widened then he threw the knife down and took off running, or rather he tried to. I lunged and dived onto him. I bit deeply into the back of his neck until I heard a crunching sound.

The man stopped struggling but continued to make noise after I paralyzed him. I batted him in the back of his head twice with my larger paws, making a large wound on the back of the man's skull. The man stopped screaming but continued to moan softly.

I rolled him over with my nose and changed back into my human form and knelt by the man. Using my own aura I removed the man's corrupted soul and smiled. It was black as oil. I opened my mouth and ate it then I sat back letting out a sigh of pleasure.

How do you expect our Mistress to change her attitude toward you when you continue to do stuff like this? The voice asked sounding mildly pissed off. I let out a snort of amusement as I looked into the trash bag the man had tried to dispose of. Inside was a dead child, as I looked into the bag I saw that the soul of the child was still pure.

Aria can eat this as long as I don't touch it. I thought as I closed the trash bag and slung it over my shoulder. Then I began to head back home.


Aria's Point Of View


When Allen returned to the house he placed a closed trash bag in front of me. I took in his appearance. He was speckled head to toe with blood and looked slightly happy. I finally spoke to him.

"Who did you kill and what's in this bag?" I asked slowly as I eyed the trash bag in front of me.

Allen smiled. "I killed the person who was trying to dispose of this bag and what's inside is your lunch." He told me.

I frowned as I slowly opened the bag. Then my eyes widened in horror as I saw what lay inside the bag. Inside the trash bag was the body of a two year old little girl, she was obviously very dead however her pure soul still lingered attached to her body. "So you didn't do this?" I asked Allen.

He shook his head. "Nope found a human trying to get rid of it in an alleyway." He told me. I reached into the bag and carefully removed the child's soul. I opened my mouth a little bit and began to drain the pure aura from it. When I was done I closed my mouth and forced the soul to move on.

I looked at Allen. "Can you please give this child a proper burial?" I whispered sadly.

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