Chapter 18

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Welcome back my dear readers to another chapter of Alpha and Omega. Warning here comes another Sex scene!!! Either read it, skip it or scroll down until it ends. Now I hope you enjoy and Please. Read & Review. XOXO Zenovia.


I spirited myself upstairs and into my room. I let out a sigh as I walked over to my reflecting pool in the corner of my room. I ran my hand over the water as I thought of Allen.

Soon an image of him formed on the water's surface. Allen was sitting at the counter of a bar with his back turned to me. He was talking to the bartender very casually as he sipped his drink. At least he's not out killing people. I thought.

As if he had heard my thoughts Allen suddenly turned and looked straight at me. I froze, then I saw Allen smirk he lifted his hand and waved to me. A moment later the reflecting pool began to cloud over very heavily, until Allen's image was completely distorted. I frowned, then stepped away from the reflecting pool.

Oh no he saw me. I thought as I sat down on the bed, then I began to wonder something. How had Allen seen me? A reflecting pool, well mine at least was a one way mirror into the human world. I sighed, then looked over at the polluted water that filled the reflecting pool.

"It's going to need cleansing." I whispered a moment later there was a knock on my room door.

"Come in." I said. Eren peeked around the door at me. I could see that he looked slightly scared.

I gave him a gentle smile, then patted the bed beside me. "Come here Eren. I'm not going to bite you unless I'm hungry." I told him. Eren opened the door all the way and came inside before closing it behind him. He slowly walked over to me and sat down still looking a bit scared.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I stared at him.

"My brother said to come find you after I got dressed." Eren told me softly.

"Call him Luka, he'll prefer it if you call him by his name." I informed Eren as I smiled slightly.

He looked at me and cocked his head to the side. "Do you really have fangs like Luka...Mistress?" He asked.

I opened my mouth so that Eren could see inside of it. Then he reached out and gently touched my top left canine.

However when he did, he touched a very sensitive area behind my tooth. I felt my body grow hot and my fangs length. I let out a low moan as a wave of pleasure swept over me. I looked at Eren and smiled very slowly. "Can you go get Luka for be Eren, just tell him I'm hungry." I told him as I rubbed up against his side like a cat.

Eren began to blush and he stood up. "I understand Mistress." He said quickly before he practically ran out of the room. I laid back on my bed as an almost euphoric state swept over me. I slid my robe off very carefully and let it pool at the end of the bed.

I heard the door open and I saw Luka enter the room looking slightly confused. When he saw the state I was in however he slowly walked over to me. I sat up, reaching for him as he came close. I pulled him down and kissed him furiously. I felt Luka's own fangs nibble my bottom lip.

He pushed me down onto the bed and I smiled, reaching for him. Luka climbed on top of me. I licked his neck and a moment later I felt his hand reach down and massage my breast. I let out another moan, then I began to tear at his clothes.

Luka's expert fingers slid my underwear off, then he slid one finger inside of me. I bit my lip as my body shuddered slightly. Luka gave me a teasing smile before he finished undressing. He lifted me up slightly and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

I began nipping his neck a moment later Luka thrust into me. I bit his neck and a moment later I felt a small sharp pain on the top of my left breast. I felt myself smile slightly as Luka's fangs pierced my skin. I moaned loudly as euphoria claimed me.

I tangled my fingers in Luka's hair as my body started to shudder. I let out a content sigh as my climax finished. He pressed me closer to him as he let out a small purr of happiness. I stroked his hair as he continued to feed from me for a little bit longer.

Just as I was starting to feel slightly sleep Luka pulled back and looked up at me. He lay down on the bed and wrapped me in his arms. I smiled as I snuggled into his side. "Where did you send Eren?" I asked out of pure curiosity.

Luka smirked. "I told the little boy to go clean the garden up a bit." He told me then looked over at my reflecting pool.

"Aria what happened to your reflecting pool?" I frowned for a moment before I answered him.

"The filth and pollutants on earth contaminated it." I lied.

I felt bad about lying, but Luka definitely did not need to learn about Allen, and Allen definitely did not need to learn about Luka. I heard Luka sigh next to me. "I'll have to clean it for." Him said.

I shrugged. "Well now you have a chance to teach Eren how to clean it." I pointed out.

Luka snorted and I gave him a sleepy smile. He stroked my hair very gently and slowly. I yawned as I started to drift off. I felt him pull the covers over both of our bodies' right before I fell asleep.

I woke up hours later in bed with Luka next to me. There was also a weird purring sound that was coming from somewhere and it wasn't Luka who was making the noise.

I looked over the side of the bed to see a large lynx lying by my bedside. The lynx was sound asleep and curled up in a ball. It took me a moment to realize the lynx was Eren.

Is that one of his default transformations? I wondered as I reached down to pick him up. Eren struggled slightly in my arms before he opened his eyes, I smiled at Eren's reactions as he slowly began to recognize me. First he looked shocked which was very odd on a cat's face.

Then he began to get flustered and embarrassed as he realized I was naked. Eren struggled in my arms as he tried to jump down. "Eren you shouldn't struggle while I'm holding you, we could both end up injuring ourselves." I told him gently. He  instantly stopped struggling, but in his eyes I could see that he was still embarrassed.

I gently placed him on the floor, and a moment later his body began to shake and shiver as his form wavered, then I watched as he slowly changed back into his human form. I continued to smile as I watched him. His transformation isn't as smooth as Luka's but then again, he was just made. I thought.

Eren looked at me at first, then he tried to look everywhere but me. "Um...Mistress shouldn't you put on some clothes?" He asked me. I smiled as I picked up my robe and slipped it on without any underwear. After I finished, I reached up and patted Eren's head.

"Come on Eren let's go get some dinner." I told him.

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