Chapter 6

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"The church is more in the north part of town." He told me.

As we walked I kept my head down and observed the town trying not to draw any attention to myself; the less people that noticed me the better.It took about ten minutes to reach the church, I raised my head to look at the building. The church was a very simple one made of stone and wood, the bell that gently swung in the bell tower seemed to be made of pure gold and silver. It glinted brightly as the sun hit it.

"It's gaudy." I mumbled as I stared up at the bell.

"I understand what you mean Mistress." Luka sighed.

He looked at me. "While you question the priest, I'll be up in the rafts waiting for you." He informed me.

I nodded, then I took off my brown coat and hand it to him. "I'll see you soon, until then good luck." I told him as we parted ways.

Luka slipped into a nearby crowd of people only to leave them by leaping up onto the roof of the church. I walked into the building. I approached the church and as soon as I stepped through the doorway, the stench of the aura hit me like three day old garbage. I frowned as I looked around its aisle and pews. I looked to the far left corner and I saw the wooden confessional boxes.I smiled slightly, then tipped over to the booths, following the smell of the rancid aura. I crept into the empty confessional booth and sat down.

I forced tears out of my eyes and after allowing myself to whimper a bit I began to talk to the priest in the booth next door. "Forgive me father for I have sinned." I whimpered in the most pitiful voice I could manage.

I heard a lot of rattling coming from the booth next door as the priest moved around. A moment later the door to my booth opened a revealing a smiling man. The priest. I thought as I feign an innocent, wide eyed look.The priest seemed to be a middle aged human man with a comb over of brown hair. He was a bit on the thin side and wore a pair rimless eyeglass. As he smiled at me, his brown eyes were fixated on my chest the entire time.

"Well young lady, what is it you need the Lord's help with?" He asked in a sickly sweet tone.

I whimpered and sniffled a bit more forcing more tears. I could instantly smell that rancid aura coming from the priest. It was a filthy aura that resonated greed and lust.I wrapped my arms around the priest like I was crying for help and began reading his aura, the moment our bodies touched I saw his crimes. Women would come here down on their luck and he gives them an ultimatum, pleasure him or become a candidate for the Goddess Hunt festival.

I shuddered as I saw a little girl beg him help and I knew what happened. I pulled back to look at the priest and smirked. "Don't worry your sweet little head, I can help you, for a price." The Priest told me reaching out to touch my breast.

I grabbed his arm and twisted it, smiling as he began to cry out in pain and bend at the knee. A second later Luka appeared beside me daggers in hand. "No Father, I think it is you who should beg for forgiveness." I said as Luka removed my eye patch for me.

The priest eyes widen. "You-you bitch! You harlot, slut!" He screamed at me.

Luka kicked him in the ribs. "You do NOT speak to my mistress that way." He growled.

I looked at Luka. "Is the barrier up and the exits blocked?" I asked calmly.

"Yes Mistress, I did that while you gathered information." Luka informed me.

I smiled, then looked around the church once more, from the stain glass windows to the religious symbols over the podium. "I remember way back in the old days, when these churches were dedicated to me. Now it's for a large invisible man and his cherubic winged babies. You humans have really thrown it all up in the air haven't you?" I said as I sneered at the priest.

Then I pulled the struggling priest over to one of the pews and made him sit down, then I sat down next to him."Stay back spawn of Satan!" The priest hissed at me.

Luka and I both chuckled. "Now, now is that really any way to treat your god or...should I say goddess?" I asked glancing at him.

The priest reaction was amusing to say the least."I only accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior!" He yelled at me.

I smirked at him. "That's fine you're going to die anyway, I just wanted you to know the truth...Father Anderson." I told the priest calmly and he froze but I continued to talk.

"Truth be told Anderson God or Goddess, has nothing to do with this issue. The principles of Religion, as you humans know it are good and trust me when I say the problem doesn't lie there. The real mistake was, when humans choose to enforce them." I explained sadly.

Then I gestured to Luka. "Anderson this is my familiar, he is many things to me. My protector, my lover, and my friend. I'm going to ask you some questions, afterwards he will take your soul and ferry it." I told Anderson.

Anderson looked at him  with wide eyes, then back at me after a moment his shoulders slumped."Okay, I'll tell you what you need to know...Goddess." He whispered.

I smiled. "Thank you Anderson, now I need to know if you got any strange confession before the Goddess Hunt." I told him.

Anderson frowned deeply. "Well...there was one a male child, but I brushed it off because everyone comes to repent right before the festival starts." Anderson said slowly.

"Did you remember what the boy said or if he left anything with his name on it?" I asked trying to coax him into remembering.

"He told me that someone in his family had eyes like yours, his middle sister I believe." Anderson told me.

I frowned, then let out a sigh of disgust. I can only imagine what Anderson told the poor boy. I thought. I frowned as I stood up. "Thank you for your help Father Anderson. The Goddess blesses you." I told Anderson then I turned to Luka.

"Do it." I commanded softly.

Luka smiled briefly, then the nails on his left hand extend growing into black, crow talons. He stood in front of Anderson then suddenly he was holding Anderson's heart in his talons. I watched a thick, yellow, stream, of flowing aura leaked out of Anderson and into Luka's mouth. He always ate the bad auras because he said they tasted good, but they couldn't feel good.

Even though Luka was a familiar I had given him the ability to feel human emotions and pain. Since as a Goddess my senses were dulled, unless the pain was dealt directly to Luka or Me I couldn't really feel what humans call pain, but I understood human emotion extremely well. I sighed as I watched him knowing I would have to deal with the after effects of him eating that aura.

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