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Welcome back to Alpha and Omega I am sleepy so this is the last thing I am updating. Please Read, Review and Comment. XOXO BUTTERBALL



Luka's Point Of View


It didn't take long for me to find my mistress or rather where my mistress had gone.  She had made her cocoon in the cleansing room. Aria's cocoon was royal dark blue and teardrop shaped. The cocoon hung like a teardrop from the ceiling and the bottom's webbing had crystallized in a way where it was like it the cocoon sat atop diamond stalagmites.

I slowly walked over and brushed my hand against my Mistress cocoon. It pulsated sending out a small, warm aura wave at my touch. I smiled. I heard Eren enter the room and a moment later he let out a hiss.

¨Luka what is that thing?!¨ He asked me as he glared at our Mistresses cocoon.

¨It's our Mistress and she is not some filthy thing.¨ I growled


Aria's Point Of View


I was floating, my whole body felt weightless as I glided through my cocoon in a weird stasis like state. I felt a familiar hand glide over my body and I reacted naturally by poking it with my aura. I opened my eyes and for some reason I saw...Allen smiling down at me as he floated beside me in my cocoon.

I squinted at him, frowning a bit. He smirked at me then opened his mouth slowly revealing thick black tendrils coming  out like octopus legs. I realized that it was years, upon centuries, upon millenniums of hideous and monstrous black aura that he had eaten and collected.

And now... for some reason this bastard was trying to push all that darkness down my throat literally. I stared at Allen helplessly. Is this how Allen really is now, has he really become this tainted? I wondered.

As I stared at him two important questions floated through my head. Is he really that tainted? What does he want with me now? I wondered.

Luka's Point Of View


I was watching over Eren's archery training when I felt a sudden abnormal spike in Aria's aura. For a moment her aura seemed to disappear, leaving a slimy odd residue behind. However in the next moment it came back normal as ever.

I looked up and noticed that Eren had stopped firing arrows. In fact, he was standing completely still, his eyes glazed over. ¨Allen.¨ He whispered in a hypnotic voice. I froze frowning.

A moment later, he broke out of the trance. I got up, walked over to him and sighed. ¨Who's Allen? ¨ I asked. Eren jumped he opened his mouth, then closed it. But he didn't need to say anything because I recognized the look on his face.

Aria had commanded him not to tell anyone including me. What does my Mistress need to hide from me? I wondered.

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