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Welcome back to Alpha and Omega everyone :) this is my main story so that's why I update it so much but I plan on having a sequel for this book it is not just a plain thrown out there sequel I've thought about it for awhile. Anyway please remember to READ, VOTE, and COMMENT. Your opinions mean a lot to me so speak them guys I always respond to comments. XOXO BUTTERBALL


___________________________Allen's Point Of View


"What are you doing Allen?" I looked at Aria who was half asleep and lying next to the camp fire.

She let out a yawn but continued to look at me. "I'm going out to find you an eye patch and possibly get me something to eat." I told her. Aria blinked slowly at me.

"Oh okay make sure you stay safe." She said in a groggy voice.

Aria soon went back to sleep. I left our small, designated camp site frowning. I walked until I came to a small road. As I walked down the small road I took notice of the state it was in.

The road had multiple pothole and large cracks in it. The paint was also faded just proving how much it was in a state of disrepair. I stopped walking when I reached what appeared to be an abandoned drug store.

I walked over to the drug store picking up a large rock as I did. I turned the rock over in my hand a couple of times before I chucked it through one of the dirty glass windows. The glass shattered instantly upon impact.

I smiled and walked over to the broken window and climbed inside the building. The moment I entered the smell of mold and dust filled my nose. I sneezed and looked around the building.

It was in slightly good condition. Dust covered every corner of every shelf and counter. Mold was beginning to grow on the ceiling and on the floor in places where water damage was present. Some electrical cords were hanging from the ceiling only to drape onto the floor.

"This is a sad sight." I mumbled. Oh be quiet, I know you and you feel absolutely no remorse for your horrid actions. The voice spat.

I let out a sigh as I explored the store. "You're making me out to be a sociopath." I said as I approached the front counter.

You are a sociopath; tell me do you feel anything other than hatred when you look at our Mistress. We familiars were created to protect her, to be her friends and companies. You hurt her, you've ruined the good name of all familiar and what's more you made Aria...lose trust in you. The voice told me sadly. I leaned over the front counter but frowned and moved away when I saw nothing.

"Actually I do feel something other than anger when I look Aria. I notice things about her, cute things. Like how she always puts others before herself, her tendency to roll her eyes whenever she thinks something is stupid. She has a childlike innocence but she's not stupid by any means..." I stopped myself instantly because I could tell where this conversation was headed.

I turned and headed for the staff only room. The door was locked however so I had to take the handle of my knife and hit it against the padlock until it broke. Afterwards I opened it and walked inside. I looked around the barely lit room as my eyes carefully adjusted.

In the corner of the room I could see a corpse that form the state it was in seemed like it had been there awhile. It was slumped over in a fold up lawn chair with a gun in one hand and an index card in the other. On the index card read ABANDONED BY THE GODDESS.

I walked over to the corpse and carefully propped it up trying my best to avoid getting the twisting maggots on me. I noticed that the person was wearing an eye patch but their soul was gone.

That's a shame crazy people souls are usually the most easily tainted. I thought. I reached forward and with much effort pulled the eye patch off the corpse. Some decaying skin and maggots came with it but I brushed them off onto the concrete floor.

I shoved the thing into my pocket before I left the building. I made sure to stop by a small stream before going back to camp. I washed off the eye patch very thoroughly before I returned to Aria.

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