The ultimate connection

Começar do início

"You're not going to lose me, do you hear me? I'm not going anywhere. I just wanted to show you my scars because they are the reason I was so scared to take that next step with you." She explains as he looks back up at her.

Only then he realizes her breasts are right in front of him. Her perfect breasts, when he first saw them all he saw was how beautiful they are. He didn't even see any scars, not until she pointed them out.

"I don't give a fuck about scars. I didn't see them. All I saw was how stunning you are. Scars don't change anything about that. There's nobody who comes even close to you when it comes to beauty. Not just on the surface, but you are beautiful all the way through. That's why I love you so much. Because you have the biggest heart and you are just a wonderful human being."

He looks down at her chest, he just knows his hands will fit perfectly around her breasts, how soft they will feel and how amazing they will taste.

When he thought she was sick, his cock softened, but now as he looks at her round breasts, the skin so light and her nipples just a few shades darker, his cock comes back to life.
He looks at the white lines that she was so embarrassed about, he could never think they are ugly. Why would she think that?

"What made you think I would find your scars ugly? They are just prove that you have been able to fight cancer. That you are strong and amazing." He whispers.
His hands itch to touch her, but he waits.
"Well I hardly had to do anything. All they did was remove the tumors. I didn't need any chemo or other treatments. So I had it easy." She says.

She doesn't feel like she had to fight, she never felt sick or lost her hair. Her body wasn't poisoned with medication to kill the cancer.
"That doesn't matter. You still had surgery and that's also a big thing. But baby, why would I think they are ugly?"

She looks down her naked chest, its almost pressed against his, but he still has his shirt on.
"Because Mitch told me it was disgusting and ugly." She admits. "The next day he told me he was leaving me for Tiffany. It made me feel like I was unworthy and ugly."

An anger fills Daniel when he hears her tell him what Mitch did. Next time he sees that vile man he will tell him exactly what he thinks of him and then he's going to make sure Mitch won't be able to see through both eyes for a while.

"Mitch is unworthy, not you."
He looks back down to the scars, they made her so insecure, but she doesn't have to be. Not anymore. He is going to prove how much he loves her and how beautiful he thinks she is. Scars or no scars.

"May I touch you?" He asks her, hoping now she will be ok with it.
She nods, but he also feels her body tremble on his lap. He knows he will have to take things slow, but that's fine. As long as she feels good and desired.

He lets his hands slide up over her waist until he reaches the swell of her breasts.
With his hands cupping the sides of them he relishes the feeling of the weight in his hands, the warm, soft skin against his. They are perfect in every way, she just has to believe it.

With his thumbs he carefully goes over the scars that her surgery left behind.
They feel a bit different than the rest of her skin, but they aren't swollen or ugly at all.
"Do you feel that? Does it hurt at all?" He asks her when he hears her irregular breath.
"I don't really feel it. It's a bit numb, but it doesn't hurt. So you don't think they are disgusting?" She asks with a thin voice.

"No baby! Not at all. You're perfect. You don't have to feel insecure around me about this. I wouldn't even care if they had to take your breasts off, all I care about is that you are healthy. I want you in my life for a very long time. Scars or no scars, boobs or no boobs."

Shape of you (Daniel Ricciardo)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora