June 25, 2015: We all need friends

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We all need friends

Thursday, June 25, 2015: Yesterday you entered a period of time (Mars in Cancer June 24 to August 8, 2015), when you'll be more likely to avoid direct confrontations with others... preferring to side-step issues or attack indirectly. You could also experience a feeling that your basic survival is "on the line", your protective instincts rising up and find yourself more driven to seek comfort and security and fight for or defend your most basic needs.

As for today... There's potential for openness of emotional expression and honesty in the expression of feelings. So... Expect pleasant interactions and creative self expression to be on the agenda. But... also be aware, hold steady and don't let anyone or anything push you to extremes. Be kind, be cooperative. Allow yourself be a person who needs people and your luck will change.

During the Moon Void in Libra (7:23 pm - 1:57 pm EDT tomorrow) consider that one of your most basic needs is your need for relationships with others. Contemplate that we all need others in our lives who can give us a sense of belonging. We all need affection from others. And we all need to feel attended to, validated and supported when we're struggling. We all need to know that there is someone who sees us and cares. We all need friends! We are all "People Who Need People".

Today's Quote

"But first be a person who needs people. People who need people are the luckiest people in the world." ~ Bob Merrill, lyricist, Barbra Streisand, artist

AstroExaminer's Daily Inspirations for 2015Where stories live. Discover now