March 6, 2015: Savor the small with a grateful heart

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Savor the small with a grateful heart

Friday, March 6, 2015: Yesterday's Virgo Full Moon was a reminder that there is a drifting apart of the opposites of spirit and world, of spiritual matters and worldly matters... of the uninterrupted chain of outer events and taking time to reflect on your daily experiences.

Though it's been mostly in the background... many long Void-of-course periods over the past two weeks have given you a great deal of time to reflect on your experiences. Although these may have felt like a hurry up and wait experience... they were really about gaining perspective, polishing our attitude and powering up a positive outlook. Luck and love are in the in the air... but reflection, awareness and presence are needed.

Today's Void calls for reflection on the little details and happenings of your daily life... and how very important they are to your life as a whole. Every experience and every chore... no matter how seemingly small and inconsequential ... is a reflection of who you are. So... If your life seems to be a bit messy right now... get creative figuring out ways to make everything fit... and fit comfortably. (Moon in Virgo Void from 1:36 pm yesterday until 7:52 pm EST today.)

Be your own best friend this evening... and plan to socialize tomorrow.

Today's Quote

"If you take care of the small things, the big things take care of themselves. You can gain more control over your life by paying closer attention to the little things." ~ Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

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