April 21, 2015: Seek your passion... or seek to realize what your passion is

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Seek your passion... or seek to realize what your passion is

Tuesday April 21, 2015: The fickle flighty mood of the day means fun can be had. But it's also a busy day when expanding in too many directions or trying to process to much information can lead to over blown and fuzzy thinking.

Although obstacles may appear, trust that they will make you stronger and more capable. The greatest challenge for the next couple of days is separating what's useful from what's unnecessary.

Take some time to enjoy whatever brings you pleasure... don't push too hard, be thoughtful and selective in all that you do and you'll profit from the choices you make.

Seek your passion... or seek to realize what your passion is. Think back on your life, remember things you wanted to be, the things you were really good at, the games you played, the books you read, and see how they apply to your life today. You just might be surprised that your passion has been right under your nose all along.

Today's Quote

"Inside each and every one of us is one true authentic swing. Something we were born with. Something that's ours and ours alone. Something that can't be taught to you or learned. Something that got to be remembered." ~ Baggar Vance, from the film "The Legend of Baggar Vance"

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