April 18, 2018: Moving into the light of hope

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Moving into the light of hope

Saturday April 18, 2018: Shut down your rational mind... allow yourself to tune in to your body and simply be with your actions and experiences today.

Today's Aries New Moon tunes you into your life. It's time to get going on things... just be aware of your limitations and very clear about your objectives. Today the fire of hope is lit... let it reinvigorate you, let it motivate you and let it inspire you. Come alive to your imagination and open yourself to possibility.

There will still be bumps on the road and your progress may seem slow, but your hopes and dreams inch closer to becoming reality day after day.

Have the audacity to hope! Hope is courageous... it dashes fears... it doesn't give up... it keeps you going and keeps you fighting.

Today's Quote

"Hope, like faith, is nothing if it is not courageous; it is nothing if it is not ridiculous." ~ Thornton Wilder

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