May 21, 2015: It takes one to know one... you are my mirror and I am yours

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It takes one to know one... you are my mirror and I am yours

Thursday, May 21, 2015: There's a lot happening in the sky today. It's time to pick up the pace, meet new people, explore new ideas and learn new things!

But first... it's time to work on increasing your trust, giving up control and learning to adapt to the ever-changing realities of your life. At its best, this can be a time to transform fear into fortitude and powerlessness into endurance.

Still... You'll likely be more compulsive than usual and more wary of people using manipulation, control or exerting power over you right now. You're also likely to mistake concern for meddling and to perceive protective instincts as smothering. Just don't be hasty or jump to conclusions... because you're also prone to being manipulative yourself.

There are powerful energies at work today and negative emotions may surface. You're apt to rebel against anyone or anything that you imagine does not have your best interests at heart.

If you find you're having problems with others realize that it's time to reflect on your own motivations. Keep in mind that whatever you don't own about yourself... you project onto other people. Consider the old saying... "It takes one to know one."

We project our own perceived shortcomings onto others... and they mirrors ourselves back to us. What you say to others is what you should be saying to yourself. When you judge others you are judging yourself. And... If you're constantly beating yourself up with negative thoughts, you'll either beat up on the people around you ... verbally, emotionally, or physically... or you'll beat up on yourself by destroying some area of your own life.

At the end of the day, the Cancer Moon goes Void of Course (8:36 pm - 5:43 pm tomorrow), suggesting that you spend this time asking yourself some questions and contemplating your answers.

Ask yourself... "Am I projecting my own anger, insecurities and need for control onto others?" "Am I being controlled by my own need to control?" "Am I using charm and good manners to cover my manipulation of others?" Don't be closed minded or unwilling to see things from others' perspective. Look into the mirror, be honest with yourself and then think of the people you love and admire... and why.

Today's Quote

"You are always living a reflection of whatever you are outputting. And so, if you get into a little pocket where a lot of people are being rude, it's probably because you are being rude – or because you have been aware of people being rude. Nothing ever happens to you that is not part of your vibration!"

Abraham - Hicks, excerpted from a workshop in Chicago, IL, April 25th, 1999

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