May 28, 2015: The gift of detachment and objectivity

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The gift of detachment and objectivity

Thursday, May 28, 2015: Today you should have the feeling that you're going somewhere... but there's also a level of complacency. Still, your well-positioned to intellectually and appropriately judge your situation.

This easy breezy day also holds the promise of growth and offers the gift of detachment and objectivity. Draw on that gift and use your intellect to get an accurate sense of where you're going , what's important and what needs to be discarded.

Because you're more detached, objective and reflective you can be effective at dealing with almost any situation. So.... Rather than getting caught up in the stress.... try to stand back, look rationally at any problem, weigh your options, unburden your heart and use your intellect to work out a way to get through.

Today's Quote

"Mr. Edison worked endlessly on a problem, using the method of elimination. If a person asked him if he were discouraged because so many attempts proved unavailing, he would say, "No, I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward." ~ Mrs. Thomas Edison

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