You are mine [2]

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Sitting on the chair in his office, Taehyung’s fingers  clutched over the files where there were details of Jungkook's family. The accident of his parents in which he was the only person who survived and despite crossing eighteen he still hadn't gotten his parents' property, his father's company and their obvious shares in other famous companies.

To the eyes of the world, the only heir of Jeons was called out to be in mentally unstable state, due to which their shares, properties and company was under the handle of Jungkook’s Uncle, his father's younger step brother.

The signs were loud and clear, the marks of what his Uncle and Aunt had done to Jungkook since the time his parent's died were vividly standing infront of Taehyung’s eyes, and no matter how strenuously Taehyung struggled to not see the clear damages of what his Uncle and Aunt had done to Jungkook, his mind refused to come under his command and took his head back to place where Jungkook sat in the corner, finding solace in the air.

The mentally unstable Jeon's kid, Taehyung’s heart broke into pieces reading the broadly written headline on the newspaper dated of two years back. Two years.

It wasn't new, it wasn't going on from couple months, it wasn't being done to Jungkook from a few weeks or couple days, it was going on from years. Years. And, as much as Taehyung didn't want to let his assumptions about whatever Jungkook must have gone through to become someone who found his shelter in the invisible arms of a lover that was nothing but air run wild.

His eyes skimmed over each and every line, taking in every detail and every little hint that could get him closer to the proof of the torment inflicted on Jungkook from hid Uncle and Aunt, but didn't matter how long he spent going on and on, reading pages after pages, repeating the exact sentences in his head again and again, nothing was to be found against them.

On the pages, infront of the world's eyes, infront of the population of Seoul, his Uncle and Aunt were the angels who took in the orphan in their hearty embrace and despite that orphan being a mentally unstable child, they didn't let him go in any kind of mental hospital, and just got him treated for years under the instructions and medicines of famous doctor.

The doctor.

Taehyung’s body moved without even his brain getting up to command it. His eyes located the name, and his finger instantly landed on the name of the man, " Fuck, this! " He almost yelled, unable to suppress the flood of emotions of victory rushing past his blood, " He is the one. " He said to himself, before picking up his phone and dialing a number,

" Hello, Taehyung? "

Taehyung nodded, inhaling a breath, " Yeah, Junsing, it's me. I need a favour from your team. "

Junsing was the leader of underground drug dealers. His team was involved in selling drugs and getting the money to the poor and churches. Taehyung encountered him when he visited church years back. Seeing the man, he had recognised the tattoo of the team on his nape, that matched the tattoo from his best freind's Jimin's elder brother's tattoo.

He had lost contact with Jimin after getting graduated from high school, and seeing that matching tattoo he knew it was the last chance to bend back the broken bonds. Following the man, he had asked about the man and eventually Jimin, and meeting Jimin he had gotten to know about the team and the work they did.

He had been confused to what was the good in selling drugs and then getting the money to the churches, orphanages and other centres, but Jimin had told him that,

" People buy drugs knowing what it does to them. They don't force anyone to buy those. They come and buy those themselves. They choose to do wrong with their minds, bodies and souls. None of the members of the team force anything on anyone, then if you have the chance to do good to others from the people who choose to do bad to themselves, then what's the wrong in that? "

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