Walking Moon On Earth ( End )

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Taehyung was sitting in the cafeteria, finger twirling the spoon in the tea with Jimin sitting in front of him babbling about the test which was too difficult to solve. He couldn't really focus on his words. He couldn't make his mind leave the incidents of last night and focus on what was being uttered by his best freind.

" Taehyung? " Jimin asked, diverting Taehyung’s attention towards himself.

Taehyung flinched a little and looked up at Jimin, clueless. " Wh- What? You- you were saying something? "

Jimin pressed his lips together, an annoyed expression taking over his face. " Taehyung..." He mumbled, as if he was about to warn him about something, " You have been spacing out alot today. You didn't even attempt the test. " He said while extending out his hand for Taehyung to hold, " What happened? Is- is there something wrong? "

Taehyung swallowed, holding Jimin's hand tightly. " No- nothing happened. Everything's good. Don't worry. "

Jimin snorted, before he got himself up from the seat and made his way where Taehyung was sitting. He sat himself on the chair beside Taehyung, " Now tell me. What happened? You already know you're not good at hiding things. So, its better if you let it all out. "

Taehyung stared into Jimin's eyes, before a tired sigh left past his lips which had his shoulders lowering down. " Mimi..." He almost whispered, " Jun- jungkook kissed me, last night. " 

Jimin furrowed his brows, screaming out a little, " What?! "

Taehyung immediately pressed his palm against his lips, shutting his mouth down, " Sshh...Do- don't create a scene. Ca- calm down. " He muttered softly, and when Jimin nodded signaling that he had finally absorbed the revelation, he removed his palm from Jimin's mouth and sat back.

" What the hell? How- how did you mean that he- "

Taehyung let his elbows rest over the table, " I- I don't know. He- he just followed me and requested me to let him show ho- how beautiful that Mark looked on my face and then he- " He shrugged, " He kissed my cheek. And the rest..."

" Did you kiss him back? "

Taehyung tilted his head at Jimin, " You already know the answer. What's the point of asking me then? "

Jimin cursed, running his fingers through his hair. He facepalmed himself and then faced Taehyung again, " You know he is not the same Kook anymore? He- he must've done this for- for some kind of bet or shi- "

Taehyung shaked his head, " He didn't. I know him, Jimin. "

Jimin nodded, " I know him, too, Tae. " He voiced out, as he pressed his hand over Taehyung’s thigh, caressing it, " Your high school freind is gone. The Jungkook you loved has died, he isn't the same anymore, Tae. You- you should- "

" That- that time standing, he didn't feel like that Jungkook. He didn't feel the same Jungkook. I- I was so- so terrified that I was seeing my- my Bun in that Jungkook standing there with tho- those eyes watching me like that. " Taehyung explained, eyeballs shaky, " He- he looked at me in the same way as my Bun has always watched me. "

" But it wasn't him, Tae. " Jimin said, " It wasn't him. "

Taehyung inhaled a deep breath, letting his eyes fall on the table, nodding, " I- I know. It- it wasn't him. "

Jungkook and Taehyung were the names that always came together in high school. There names never separated just like them both. As they always stayed together, their names always came out of others mouth together, side by side.

They were best freinds. The connection which always held them together always felt like something more deeper than just friendship. Like how the pain of one was felt by the other. How when one of them cried the other one ended up hugging him while crying too. How they spent nights talking and cuddling in Jungkook’s bed. How Jungkook’s arms always felt more warmer than any blanket around Taehyung.

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