Serendipitous Night

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Summary: where Taehyung discovers his boyfriend cheating on him and sobbing he stumbled onto his Boyfriend's father. And well, the rest is.....😁


☆ Age difference

☆Gay love

☆Forbidden relationship

☆Museum dates. Jazz club dates.

☆True love

☆Angst and Fluff


His steps were hasty. Too hasty and fast. He stumbled almost at every stone and even piece of paper that came in his path. Tears blurred his vision and he could see nothing except the sight of his boyfreind with someone else. He didn't hear anything except the words he said to the girl beside her. His mind wasn't in his control anymore. It wasn't.

He ran as fast as he could, staggering on the way just eager and desperate to get himself out of that town. That town of his boyfriend's house. The town where he came almost everyday and wandered around with his hand in his boyfreinds. He ran as desperately as he wanted to wipe off that sight of his boyfriend with that girl.

As eagerly as he wanted to stop those words from echoing in his head and swirl his mind.

Just when he turned himself into the lane, he stumbled across the car which was turning itself into the street and fell back on his back, with tears rolling off his cheeks.

The man in the car immediately got himself out of the car and reached where Taehyung had fell. Bending him down he held him and made him face him, which had a gasp of surprise leaving his lips.

" Taehyung? What- what happened? " Jeon Jungkook's, his boyfriend's fathers voice entered his head.

Taehyung opened his eyes and saw Jungkook looking down at him with concerned eyes. Taehyung at once pulled himself back as if Jungkook's touch had burnt him and slipping a little he stood up on his feet. With that back of his hand, he wiped off his tears and swallowed down he answered,

" Noth- nothing, Mr.Jeon. Am- am fine. " Taehyung said, as he face palmed himself and carded his hands through his hair to make himself look a little presentable.

Jungkook arched a brow, walking upto where Taehyung was walking and wandered his eyes over him, worriedly, " Are- are you okay? You- you aren't hurt from that, right? "

Hurt? What kind of hurt you're talking about?

Physical or emotional? Because emotionally your son has wrecked me.

Taehyung sniffled, shaking his head, " No. Am- Am alright. "

Jungkook shaked his head, as he extended his hand out and brushed his knuckles over Taehyung's bread bright pink cheeks, wiping off the traces of his tears, " You don't look fine. Did something happen? You were coming from the direction of our house. Is- is everything good? " Jungkook asked softly.

Just when Taehyung heard Jungkook asking him about everything with that tone, the images of his boyfreind with that girl entered his head again, which had his tears filling filling bunch of tears again. He pressed his lips together to not let out a loud sob, that resulted in his chin trembling.

Jungkook stared him with soft terrified eyes. He hadn't seen Taehyung like that. Hell, he had never seen him crying. He was so modest and elegant. Always perfect. Even being at the age of 23 where people do silly mistakes Taehyung was different. He was too mature for his age, like he had a body of boy and the mind of a man. A man who had learnt many things from his experiences.

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