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Lacuna; a blank space, a missing part.

Where, Jungkook always felt a part of himself missing. And, somehow, after waiting for years it was filled by Taehyung’s love.


☆Arrange marriage
☆Contract marriage
☆Mention of shot
☆Filthy smut
☆Angst with happy ending
☆Mob boss Jungkook
☆Age difference
☆True love



Taehyung woke up to the sound of alarm clock. Groaning he turned it off and sat on the bed, looking around only to see the other side of the bed empty. Jungkook was gone. It's been three days since he's leaving in the morning and always came back past midnight, till then Taehyung was asleep. He hadn't seen him. And he couldn't help it he was worried as hell.

His so called work always had his heart staying at throat, that he couldn't breathe and sleep properly. He didn't know about his work when they got married by the choice of his parents. It was until when the sound of guns echoed all around their mansion; someone had attacked them. That was the time when Taehyung came to know about his work. And it was all devastating. was almost 3 years ago.

It's been 4 years since they have been married. It was difficult. So difficult to make up with Jungkook’s intimidating and silent personality. It was so strenuous to know about his emotions from his blank and emotionless face. Overall, it was hard to remain inside the whole ass mansion without someone beside him becuase he always remained busy. And whenever he left home, it always had Taehyung’s heart beating against his ribs like it was about to burst out. From the fear of Jungkook being in danger.

After doing his morning routine, he went downstairs and had his breakfast alone. He doesn't even remember how long it's been since they had breakfast together. Not that their relationship was ideal husband husband relationship, but....his heart felt a soothing warmth in his presence. Something he couldn't explain in words.

They didn't even share intimacy together. They sometimes kissed when they both got drunk but other than that, nothing happened. Because, Taehyung was five years younger than Jungkook which always had Jungkook keeping his distance from him. He never invaded his personal space. He never even touched him by his own choice, nor he brought people at home to sleep with.

Taehyung didn't pay attention to him at first because he knew he wasn't going to fall for someone who got himself married to someone five years younger than him. And of course, his best friend Jimin told him some inappropriate tales about Jungkook too before marriage, which had an unknown hatred burn for Jungkook in his heart.

He heard that he owned many clubs. Many hotels and resorts. Most of all, he had many people every night at their knees to satisfy him and his needs. But...those all things flew into a narrow sky when he started living with him. He wasn't like what he was told about him. He was completely different. So different.

His gentle touches whenever he comforted Taehyung hesitantly when Taehyung missed his parents; as they were living in Canada. Even though his eyes still remained blank and void of any emotions, but he still managed to convey what his heart felt at the moment while comforting him through his hesitant yet gentle touches.

During the initial days of their marriage, Taehyung really found it hard who to believe and who he shouldn't believe. The words of the world? Or the screams of Jungkook’s actions, cause the true feelings of his heart were never conveyed through his tongue, but his actions? They always screamed and yelled.

And somehow Taehyung’s heart got itself glued to the yells and screams of Jungkook’s actions.

As the time passed, Jungkook still remained distant and hesitant towards him. Even though he didn't know that his aura always had Taehyung’s knees buckling and heart accelerating as someone was throwing him off the cliff.

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