Slow Dancing

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The sunrays escaped through the tinted windows of Jungkook’s car and fell on his face as he stared out the windows to focus on anything. Anything. Other than his life and what was happening with it. The suit he wore itched his skin, and prickled over every place it touched. The tie felt like throttling him and the cuffs almost made him feel like he was wearing sharp knives on his wrists.

He had never felt this way when he wore a suit. It was the first time. His heart was only seconds away from bursting out and leave Jungkook at the mercy of angels, but considering how his luck was going on nowadays, he knew that he couldn't be that lucky. Not lucky enough to die so he could escape this engagement.

This engagement with his father's best friend's daughter. She was beautiful, and other man would've even killed to be with her considering her delicacy and the way she carried herself. But not Jungkook, at least. Cause, he wasn't into women. He knew he was gay since the first time he had a crush on his senior in high school and came out to his parents at the age of eighteen.

But, what could even happen to the only heir of Jeons coming out as gay to his parents? The results were more than callous. He had expected lectures, listening about he was doing something wrong and how he would be going to hell, some punches from father maybe and his mother calling him a shame to family and disappointment.

What he hadn't expected of his parents to send him to a prestigious boarding school where there was a special team who called themselves educated enough to convert a gay man to straight. It was a team of twelve priests who called themselves fathers, and they used different methods to terrify them of God and lecture them daily.

But well, those lecture didn't just include words and bible readings. Sometimes, there were sticks and whips. Sometimes, there were punches and slaps. And, as stubborn and arrogant Jungkook became in his time being there and whenever they asked him to tell them if he liked guys anymore or not, Jungkook always looked them in the eyes and told them,

" What do you think you will hurt me and it will have me being excited for girls? No! That has never happened and it will never happen in future too! "

So, considering Jungkook’s behaviour the twelve priests there took it a personal challenge to convert him to a straight person. And that ended up him being tortured not just by sticks, whips of belts and punches, it ended up including scrapes of nails and knives at the end. The boy was in the same room as Jungkook’s every night gave him a sorrowful look and always told him,

" Just pretend. We all pretend and we all are okay. You need to pretend too. And, that's the only to get out of here so we can find ourselves our boys and explore our life. "

As much as Jungkook’s pride didn't allow him to bow his head before those men, he knew that the more he worked from his pride the more he will end up living in that hell. So, he did it what was told my that boy named Yoongi. He pretended, and got out of there. He pretended infront of his parents and spent nights with any boy he wanted in his mansion. He pretended and that's where pretending got him to.

His engagement. With a girl he didn't even know other than her name and her profession.

Jungkook sighed, and leaned his head against the window looking outside. Suddenly, he found himself halting and his brain ceasing to function as his eyes fell on the street singing group. Not a group. The singer. Their lead singer maybe.

" Stop! " Jungkook snapped, " Stop the car! " He yelled this time, and the car stopped in an instant. " Drive back. " He muttered hastily, his heart drumming and his breath caught against his chest. Just when their car stopped just infront of the street group where there stood a lead singer, in the middle.

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