Rainy Days

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Taehyung was sitting on the edge of the window looking outside where the rain was pouring from his condo. The sky was grey, clouds taking over thr bluish color and rain poured down, some of the raindrops also falling over Taehyung's legs and wetting it up. It was silent other than the rain hitting the glass windows of his bedroom and roars of lightening from time to time.

It was awfully quiet. Quiet like it has never been before. A bottle of wine was in his hands, hanging as he leaned his head against the boundary of the window and watched the rain pouring with damp eyelashes and sore eyes.

He felt exhausted. Emotionally and physically. There were no expressions visible on his face other than the tears which were rushing down his cheeks. Swallowing, he took a long gulp of his wine, before he sat himself in the same position as before.

He had never been in such condition before during rain. His soul felt tired. His limbs were stretched and almost numb that he couldn't feel anything at that moment other than the longing and sudden urge of his divorced husband. Jeon Jungkook.

His mind wasn't capable of thinking about anything. All the blocks were closed and locked. All the words were forgotten until no speech of word existed to express in which state of emotion he was being at that moment. Everything was low. Too low and dark. The air around him almost clutched over his skin and seemed to suck energy and blood both from his body.

He was at that stage in his life where nothing was enough to express. No words. No emotions in his eyes. No tears. His heart denied to speak out through his fingers on the pages, his limbs ached to even move a single inch and his eyes refused to let out everything in the form of tears. There was just that heavy feeling weighing too prominently which couldn't be ignored laid on his chest like it was always meant to be there.

This time his eyes had stopped letting out tears. He just sat there with his head laying over the window boundary and drinking the wine he was holding, watching rain.

Although, this day was no more different than the days he has been spending in the past, but today it was raining. And, in six months after the divorce it was raining and he was alone. Without his husband, Jeon Jungkook.

His days never changed since the last six months. He woke up, went to work, came back, had dinner and then because he wasn't used to sleeping without his husband's arms holding him and kissing him to sleep, he would drink until the darkness of the unconsciousness would locate him and yank him back to sleep.

But this time sitting in a rainy day alone after years was absolutely numbing and heartbreaking. The weight on his chest kept increasing with each passing second, and the more he tried to cry to make the weight flow out in the form of tears and soak up his cheeks, it didn't work. His eyes didn't cry and his brain was out of words to let his heart speak up so he could go and write anything on his journal. Nothing was present inside him anymore. Nothing.

He felt achingly and painfully empty and hollow.

As he kept his eyes outside and watched the sky crying like that, his mind suddenly woke up and there were different images circling in his head. Of his and his divorced husband together.

Oh god. How happy they were. Especially, how their hearts became even more content with life when it was raining and then Jungkook would take them out. They would dance together on the terrace of his condo, kiss in the rain and then make love under the sky with rain soaking up their bodies. How they would take a bathe in warm shower afterwards together and then lay in the warm bed with their limbs tangled.

Taehyung remembered everything. He hadn't forgotten a single thing. And, how could he even do that? Jungkook had been the most important person of his life and he had never imagined his life without him. Never thought of living without him. Never.

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