My Limitless Love ( End )

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When Taehyung woke up his hands naturally found their way to his head, gripping it tightly when there was a rush of headache awakening him up completely. His eyes opened and he sat on the bed, letting his back get pressed against the backrest. As soon as he gained his consciousness, his mind tended to work automatically and there images running his head.

He remembered fighting with Jungkook, running away, buying cigarettes and alcohols and then going to his parents' grave. He didn't clearly remember everything after that, probably becuase he passed out. But, then a sudden hiss left past his lips, his fingers immediately gripping his temples.

He closed his eyes shut and then he got a blurry reminder of something. Not something. Someone. Jk.

Taehyung eyes opened wide, almost in the manner of bursting out. He looked around the room, heart accelerating, stomach getting twisted into a number of knots. He stumbled on his step a little, as he got up from the bed, chest heaving up and down.

Jk. That person had been here. He had carried him here. Jk had carried him here..that means he was still there. That unknown person who has been helping him from a very long time since he turned eighteen was still here. He was still looking out for him.

Tears formed over the corners of Taehyung’s eyes when suddenly the man's  voice rang in his head. Even with his true angelic voice ringing in his head Taehyung had felt all of his anxiety, worriment and tensions melting down and getting disappeared somewhere.

Jk. He hadn't just rescued him but he had also sang him. Like he used to do. Every night, to make Taehyung sleep. Taehyung rubbed the heels of his palms over his eye, and inhaling a deep breath he ran out of the room, abrubtly running towards the living room where Jungkook was sleeping on the couch.

" Get up. " Taehyung muttered, trying to stay calm, but the feelings and sudden revelation of Jk being there with him and and suddenly leaving had gotten rid of the patience inside him.

Jungkook didn't wake up. Instead, he buried his face more into the cushion he  was hugging in his sleep.

Taehyung gritted his teeth, and stepping forward he harshly shaked Jungkook’s bicep, making him open his eyes and upon seeing the sight of Taehyung standing there while inhaling in deep breaths, he sat up on the couch, watching Taehyung with sleep concerned gaze. " What happen- "

" Where is he? Wh- where he went? Don't you fu*king dare to tell me that you kicked him out of the house. Tell me, where is he? " Taehyung asked in a rush.

Jungkook passed him a confused look. " Am afraid, I don't know what you are talking about. "

Taehyung hands trembled from which he rubbed his temples, striving to keep his bursting anger at calm inside him. " Jk. The man who brought me home back. Where is he? Only he's the one who would know where would I be. Just him. And now, you kicked him out! "

Jungkook stared him with empty eyes for a good moment. He didn't know what he was even feeling at that moment. He didn't.

Jungkook shrugged, " I didn't kick anyone out. "

" Then where is Jk? Where he went? "

Jk. God, what Jungkook was even supposed to tell him? What? No matter what he would say, it would make Taehyung hate him even more.

" I don't know what you are talking about, Taehyung. " He mumbled gently, " I was at bookstore. I don't know anything. When I came home, I guess you were already at home. " Jungkook said with a slight shaky voice. Only he knew how he felt from inside while voicing out those words.

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