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Eleutheromania: an intense and irresistible desire of freedom.

Taehyung, who people might call a worn out, exhausted and a bird with dead spirits caged in the smoldering hell. A real one. The one who gained his consciousness trapped in walls, grew up being abused and his whole figure hidden in darkness of melancholia, hopelessness and mortification.

The one person who never tested how euphoria, ecstasy and freedom tastes like.

Until, Taehyung lost himself in Jungkook, and found his lost freedom by being his.



" Am- am not gonna do that. " Taehyung’s feeble trembling voice mumbled out, body quivering and head lowered.

His husband looked back at him, glaring him. The couch of their tiny little living room let out a shrieked noise as the man got up squinting his brows at Taehyung sitting there with his sweaty hands groping his pants.

Taehyung flinched from fear with his chin wobbling a little as the man with terrifying eyes watched Taehyung and bent himself down to reach Taehyung’s level. Reaching forward he held Taehyung’s chin with his rough hands, jerking his face up,

" What? What did you just say? " He asked, holding Taehyung’s chin with a force that he was sure if he kept increasing the pressure it would result in his bones cracking.

Well...not that it was new.

The shiver of Taehyung’s body increased, heart pounding against his ribs in a manner that had cold sweat pouring out and covering his neck, forehead and nape. Taehyung didn't meet his eyes, he couldn’t. He closed his eyes shut as he whimpered out the muffled words,

" I- I can't..." He choked, coughing a little from the grip the man was having over his throat, " Am- Am not gonna do- "

Before he could complete his sentence, his head was already hitting the wooden armrest of the couch. A low excruciating hiss left his lips along with a sudden piercing pain raising in his head. His eyes were screwed shut, and he really didn't see a punch coming and being landed on his cheeks, making his jaw and front teeth hit the wood directly.

The bitter copper taste of the blood was felt by his taste buds in mouth, and the thought became true when the blood tickled out of the corner of his mouth flowing down and being absorbed over the couch fabric.

A painful whimper left Taehyung’s lips when his husband tugged at his hair, too harsh that he almost felt himself getting numb to the pain and yelled the words, " You will! You will go and do whatever I tell you to. You have no other choice, Wh*re! " He spitted out the words on Taehyung's worn out face, and then pushed him back.

Taehyung head was over the wooden armrest just where he was pushed as he heard the door of the house being opened and then closing indicating that his so called husband left.

A sigh of relief wished to leave his mouth, but his jaws, facial muscles, chest and head, hurt too bad that it was difficult for him to even take in normal breaths.

Taehyung didn't even remember the time when he wasn't beaten, insulted and used like a rag doll. He didn't. Everyday his body was decorated by the man's punches, slaps and bruises. The wounds on his face, head, arms, thighs, back, everywhere, they were everywhere on his skin that he despised looking himself in the mirror and seeing how much damage has been caused to him.

The never ending hurt in his heart was enough to make him realize how much damage was caused to him, he didn't need to see the attestation of it. Because, it hurt him more whenever he saw himself in the mirror and realized how much he has been ruined. Really ruined and crushed.

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