My Hope In The Dark

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Jungkook stands up eagerly as Logan comes out of the meeting room. His eyes searches his face as he goes and stands infront of Logan, reaching out and holding his hand. " How did it go? " He asks him, eyes desperately searching for any kind of discomfort on his features.

Logan shakes his head, and after a second a smile covers his lips. " It went well. " He says and then looks around, " Did you see Taehyung coming out and where he went? "

Jungkook steps back at the mention of his name. " His interview didn't go well, right? " He asks and Logan shrugs,

" You know him. " Logan answers in a low voice and presses his lips tightly, " Taehyung- Taehyung has to know that he cannot do this. He- he ...." He waves his hand in the air gingerly, " He is...he is too stupid for this. "

Jungkook eyes Logan for a long time, not believing for a second that he was talking like that about his best freind. Kim Taehyung, Jungkook knows that he couldn't perform in the same way as others did in the law school and everyone knew that he wouldn't be able to perform that well in his interview with the high class lawyers.

There were two lawyers there who were interviewing them and this interview was going to be the base of them being the intern of one of the most famous and high paid lawyer Mr. Madison. Everyone in their law school were so eager about the interview and worked harder than anyone to make it go well. Jungkook included.

Jungkook steps even more away from Logan. Logan and he has been dating from last four months, and sometimes when he saw Logan talking about others like they didn't stand in any great position infront of him, he sometimes wondered that if Logan was worth the time he was spending with him?

Jungkook shoves his hands in his pockets, and suddenly feels a sudden stagger in his heart as he got a glimpse of Taehyung’s broken and painful face when he came out of the room in his head. He had tried to follow him, but Taehyung shook his head and then walked away.

He couldn't do anything other than to stare him walk away with rather wobbly legs and slightly trembling figure.

" I have my class in about five minutes. " Jungkook says to Logan, who just nods back, " When you reach home, tell me about Taehyung. He didn't look good when he came out. "

Logan just smiles and then nods.

Jungkook watches him for a while, and then pats him on his shoulder, " nice to him. Don't say anything without pondering for a long time. "

" Jungkook, " Logan breaths and then rolls his eyes, sliding his arms around Jungkook’s waist, " Taehyung needs to see the truth. And, " He chuckles, " Of course, I'll be nice to him. He's my best freind, and you know it. "

Jungkook nods, " Right. And...he knows the truth. He knows what his passion is. You don't need to turn his direction and make him see it. Alright, Logan? "

Logan presses his lips tight and nods. Jungkook passes him a smile and then placing a kiss over his cheeks, Jungkook turns his direction, walking away, feeling his chest as heavy as someone had placed the whole world's weight over it.

He didn't know why it happened. But, he always felt his sense of protection, shield and the courage of a Knight who is on his way to save his Princess whenever he caught that look of helplessness in Taehyung’s eyes. He was a quiet student, who was always buried in books and memorising everything, but he couldn't perform that well in exams.

His exams score were so low that his scholarship was on stake and this interview was the only hope of strengthening it. But, Taehyung couldn’t do well in that too.

Unlike everyone in their class who always looked down upon Taehyung thinking that he's stupid and he doesn't work hard, Jungkook knew that he works harder than anyone. He works when others are partying and eating lunch. He studies, harder than anyone with determination and resolution that Jungkook had never seen in anyone's eyes before.

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