Stella didn’t understand, so she asked Karen why she had to do this. Karen playfully tapped her nose and teased her, saying, “Isn’t it all for you? Since you like him, of course your aunt has to help you…”

Karen seemed unconcerned about whether Stella’s actions were unethical. Although Stella and Erin were not blood-related, they had grown up under the same roof and were as familiar as can be. Was it really okay to push her to get close to Erin like this?

When Stella was young, she never reflected on this question. She just thought that her aunt was helping her pursue the boy she liked, so she needed to be braver and more obedient. She listened to Karen and always cared for Erin, always following behind him. She even pretended to be bad at school so that Erin could teach her, even though their relationship was strained. She believed that Erin would be moved by her and fall in love with her, but unfortunately, that didn’t happen.

Erin hated Karen, and as a result, he also hated Stella. Whenever she approached him, he would insult her and tell her to stay away because she was Karen’s niece and only knew how to seduce men. But strangely, even though he despised her, he would sneak into her room at night. Sometimes when she woke up, she would see him standing there, looking at her with a complicated expression. Once she noticed him, he would glare at her and leave.

After Karen caught Erin leaving her room a few times, she suddenly changed her attitude and advised Stella to stop liking Erin and start liking Mason instead. Mason was Stella’s cla*smate. One day, on her way home from school, she encountered a group of bullies, and Mason saved her. He kindly escorted her home, but unfortunately, Karen saw them.

Karen checked Mason’s background and thought he was decent.

However, she didn’t openly ask Stella to pursue him. She just told Stella that Mason seemed polite and well-mannered, much more than Erin, and encouraged Stella to become friends with him.

Stella didn’t have many friends, and Mason was indeed well-mannered. He always came to talk to her, and they became closer. Karen noticed this and welcomed Mason into their home. After a few times, Karen would actively seek out Mason and invite him to their house.

Mason probably had some feelings for Stella, and she could tell at that time. But he never verbally expressed it, and she didn’t want to reject him because she liked Erin. She always failed to receive his affection, so she treated Mason with kindness.

Later, Karen encouraged Mason to confess his feelings to Stella. Stella told Karen that she didn’t like him, but Karen said. that she shouldn’t reject him at this crucial time when they were applying for college. If she rejected him, it could ruin his chances of getting into his desired university. Stella thought Karen had a point, so she didn’t reject Mason and told him that they could consider a relationship after they both got into good universities. Mason agreed eagerly.

Finally, they both got accepted into good schools, and that’s when Stella truly rejected Mason. She mustered up the courage to confess her feelings to the person she liked. But unfortunately, when she was ready to open up to him, he arranged for someone to gang-rape her.

Her life took a drastic turn at that moment, and when Karen found out what happened to her, she cried and demanded justice for Stella. But when she discovered that Erin was the mastermind, Karen went crazy and tried to attack him. Stella vividly remembers Karen’s desperate attempt to tear Erin apart, the way she fought for her.

She always believed that her aunt loved her. After finding out about the rape, Karen not only dealt with the thugs herself but also fought to send Erin to jail. However, Erin was protected by his grandfather and didn’t face legal consequences. He only received a severe beating.

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