"What!" I dramatically put a hand over my heart in mock pain "When on earth am I ever in a bad mood dearest friend? Are you implying something? Do you think I'm moody?" I cried sarcastically while wiping a nonexistent tear from my eye. She looked at me with her eyebrow raised

"Wow, you're quite the actress" She laughed and I bowed.

The warning bell rang and Sasha stood up, "Well I must bid thee Farwell" she said as she left the room to go to her honours class.

"Ya, see you at lunch" I answered as she disappeared around the corner.

Sasha's a supper smart over thinker. She's a little shorter then my 5 6', has dirty blonde hair and dark blue eyes. Since she's a genius over-achiever I don't have any classes with her.

Tara's smart but practical and a good person to go to with problems, she's about 5 7'. She has thin shoulder length brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. She's more of an average smart so we have some classes together, a few of which I depend on her to help me pass.

Math is my favourite subject, I know I sound like a nerd and I will admit that I sort of am one, but I don't enjoy math from an academic point of view, although I don't mind math itself, I say it is my favourite because I have a great teacher and pretty much all of my friends are in that class.

Just as the bell rang my best guy friend James walked through the door with his slouchy guy walk and floppy brown hair.

"Hey James, new sweater?" I asked him as he sat down in the desk next to me

"Ya dawg" he replied. I chuckled and pulled out my book to read before class, like I said I'm a nerd. I live in my books, I can read for hours on end and there is nothing I would rather do more.

As I opened to my page James looked over, "Stella, Stop reading!" he exclaimed while grabbing my book out of my hands.

"NOOOOOOO" I whined as I reached for it. At this point Tara decided to look up from her most likely sappy, boring conversation with Taz just to laugh at me.

"Tar! Come on, it's not funny, make him stop!" I pleaded

"You know Stell he has a point," she reasoned. I looked at her with my best puppy dog face and she sighed and gave up. "Ugh fine! Enough with the face already! Jae give her the damn book back, sheesh!"

"Oh come on Tar, I'm just playing" he said

"Jae" she threatened in a warning tone.

"Fine" he grumbled handing me my book back. I smiled smugly and opened it up again.

"What are you reading anyway?" Tara questioned absentmindedly looking back at her phone.

"City of fallen angels" I answered, already reading.

"Is it any good?" she questioned.

"Ya so far it's decent, I think you might like this series, it's not to girly and it's pretty interesting." I said matter-of-factly

Tara's a major Tom Boy, and I swear her favourite activity is making fun of me whenever I happen to do something that marks me as a girl. "Hmm" was her only answer.

Mr. Johnson came in a few minutes later and took attendance. Math passed quickly, as did social and English.

As I walked out of English I smiled and said goodbye to my English teacher Ms. Jemm and James walked up beside me.

"AHHH that was brutal!" he complained while we made our way through the mass of students towards the cafeteria.

I laughed "It was only brutal because you didn't listen or hand in your homework"

"NOT TRUE!" he exclaimed "It was brutal because she hates me." he continued.

"Jae, seriously? She hates you because your never quiet, your homework is always late and you can't follow simple orders."

"Humph" was all he said in response.

We entered the cafeteria and got in line to buy our food. I got two soups and an ice tea while I waited for James to get his lunch. Once he had paid, we made our way to our table where Sasha, Tara and Taz were already sitting.

"Hey guys" I said sitting down. "Sup" and "Yo" were the answers I got. Sasha was on her I pod and Tara and Taz were holing hands talking quietly to each other. I sighed and opened my soup, not bothering to try and make conversation. If they wanted to talk they could think of something to talk about. I thought to myself.

Five minutes later one of my best friends Charlotte walked up and sat down beside me. "Hey Char. why weren't you in math this morning?" I asked

"Meh, wasn't feeling good so I slept in, just got here" she answered getting out her sandwich.

"Ah I see, well that's to bad, you missed one hell of a class" I said sarcastically.

She snorted "ha I'm sure, so James how was English?" she teased. Everyone knew that James had issues with our English teacher and everyone liked to bother him about it.

"Ha you're so funny!" he retorted. They started bickering back and forth and I stopped listening. I zoned out and stared strait ahead, looking at nothing in particular, just the regular teenage lunchtime routine. The different groups sitting at different tables, gossiping about useless crap that would get them no where.

My eyes swept back and forth again and again, extreme boredom creeping over me with every passing second.

I was beginning to dose off when a flash of brilliant blonde hair caught my eye.

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