53. Best Reunion

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When she stood up, I threw myself at her before she could get another word out. I didn't let her pull away. If this was a dream, I don't want to wake up. How had my parents convinced her to come? She barely managed to get me onboard with everything. I guess that if I hadn't heard her voice, I would have declined the offer.

"Oh, you've grown," she murmured, her fingers tangling in my hair. "I can't believe it's been so long. I've missed you so much." I buried my face in her shoulder, unable to form words through the lump in my throat. I could feel her fingers trailing up and down my back, and I didn't want to move. She felt so real, so much more than just a voice on the phone.

"I didn't think it was really you," I sobbed. "I thought this was...a trick."

LeAnn held me close, her hands stroking my back. "No, Roxie-boo. It's really me. I'm so sorry for what they put you through. I couldn't believe they'd do that to you."

I pulled back just enough to look into her eyes, searching for any hint of deception. They were the same eyes I'd seen in the photos, the same eyes that had stared back at me from the mirror for so many years. She smiled gently, and I could feel the tension in my shoulders begin to ease. "I...I don't ever want you to leave again," I whispered, my voice barely audible.

"I'm married, Roxanne." She half smiled. "I'm going to have to leave again. I'm sure you want to know all about...why I left and--"

"I actually don't care about that. I'm just so happy to see you." I sighed and stepped back. "We promised to be each other's maids of honor. I think that's what I'm more worried about. I've already missed so much--"

"Honey, you're just a baby. You haven't missed anything. I'm the one who missed a lot. I've been watching you, but Mom and Dad have been doing the same. I didn't come back, because...I didn't want them to think I owed them anything for leaving the way I did."

Which was totally understandable to me.

"Are you sure you aren't mad at me?" LeAnn asked.

"Yes." I nodded. "Is there any other reason I should be? Do you have kids? Are you hiding my nephews and nieces from me?"

She laughed. "No, I don't have any kids. I'm not hiding anyone from you. I just finally wanted to be able to see you. I've missed you a lot."

I felt a warmth spread through my chest at her words. We'd only truly been sisters for a little over ten years. When she left, it was as if our time as family stopped. Seeing her now, the time had started again. We weren't picking up where we left off, but it was a start.

I turned to look at Anders, who was watching us with a smile on his face. He looked foreign to me, with his dark hair and blue eyes. He could have been English, but his accent was different. I didn't want to say Germany. I knew LeAnn had been interested in foreign guys, but I never knew what she meant by 'foreign'. Before she left, we joked a lot about guys and traveling.

I concluded that he was good enough for LeAnn. I didn't know her like I used to, but at least she got the guy she always wanted. Tall enough and good looking. I guess he was good looking. I wasn't judging. Wasn't judging at all. Elijah definitely surpassed him in looks, but that was just my opinion.

"LeAnn has always spoken so highly of you," he said. "It's like I already know you."

"Oh, really?" I smiled. "I suppose...I can't say the same about you."

"If it helps, you're my favorite in-law. I've met...Ana and Drake. Not really my type of...people."

If they could really be defined as people.

"Yeah. Everyone's like that whenever they meet them. I suppose they aren't likable until you really get to know them."


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