23. Moving Back Home

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After finishing ten key lime pies, I returned my attention to the new carbonara recipe I wanted to try out. I had an alternative if anything went south. Knowing me, nothing will probably go wrong. Except for a couple of seasonings I'll try to substitute in. I do that a lot and sometimes the food sucks. Trial and error.

Besides the music playing on the radio, all was quiet. I liked it this way. Sebastian was supposed to come by later after getting off from work. I forgave him about what he'd done a few weeks before. Of course, I'm still wondering what he was up to during his break. If he didn't have any plans, there's no way he would have kept it a secret from me. I don't want to believe he was out with another woman. If so, then his story of being a virgin is definitely fake. Why would I even fall for that?

I took a break to take a shower and put on something decent for when Sebastian finally came by. I wasn't willing to tease him tonight. He doesn't deserve to see any part of my body. That's his punishment for not being truthful with me. I'm too transparent with him. I don't get how someone can say they love you, but won't tell you about the more inconvenient things.

Just as I was getting out of the shower, the doorbell rang. I froze in my room and debated on whether I should hurry to get dressed or not. Who could possibly be here this late at night? If it was Maison again, I was going to punch him. I told him never to show up this late again. It rang again.

I wasted no time throwing on a random pair of undergarments and a robe. I wrapped my wet hair in a towel and hurried downstairs. Can't keep whoever is at the door waiting.

"Oh, it's you." I let out a chuckle. "I wasn't expecting it to be you."

"Who? Sebastian?" Elijah raised a brow.

"No. I thought it was Maison, because he did this once. I told him not to do it again, but we all know he doesn't listen sometimes."

"Well, that's Maison for you. Are you busy?"

"No, I'd just gotten out of the shower when you rang the doorbell. Is there something you need?"

"Yes and no."

I allowed Elijah to come inside. The cool air was trying to creep in.

"Is it bad news? Did something happen back home?" I asked.

"No, nothing happened back home," he said. "I got another offer there, so I'm going back in a couple of weeks. Probably before Christmas."


"Yeah, I'm sorry for not telling you sooner. I didn't want to say I wasn't going, then changed my mind afterwards. I thought about it for a while. The offer was going to expire next week."

"Are you still going to be teaching?"

"Of course. My son is going to be happy about it. He hasn't been home in months. His mum is definitely happy about it."

"Will you ever come back?"

Elijah only sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets. "I don't know. I want to visit after the new year. Probably just to make sure you haven't gotten married without me."

"I haven't even been dating for that long!" I laughed. "You won't have to worry about that."

"You can definitely expect me before Valentine's day. I always come back to America before then."

"That's great! I'll be waiting for your return."

"I can't say I'll stay for long. Probably about a week or so. Two weeks if his mum agrees to keep him for that long."

I remembered the food in the kitchen, so I led Elijah there. I really expected him to say something about what I was wearing, but he didn't seem to notice it. Either he doesn't want to say anything or he's really a true gentleman. I want to believe the latter.

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