19. Mhm, Sure...

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I could see this escalating quickly, so I pushed a bowl of buffalo chicken dip in between them. They stopped talking and looked at me.

"Eat." I smiled. "We came here to celebrate a birthday and that's what we're gonna do. While you two talk like friends, Stacey and I are gonna go on a little walk."

"We are?" Stacey sat up.

"Yes. Let's go."

Without another word, Stacey and I slipped away into the garage. The cool air nipped at us as we walked down the driveway. Besides the cicadas and the occasional car, it was dead silent. And this is exactly why I love this neighborhood.

"You aren't wearing any socks."


"You're gonna get sick."

"No, I'm not."

"You said that last time. I heard this Winter is gonna be colder, Roxie. "


Stacey sighed. "What did you want me for?"

"Nothing. Just to hang out with you. We haven't seen each other in weeks."

"Yeah, well...I have my reasons. We both do."


"But I know that's not it. You don't like the cold. Just spit it out."

I paused, unsure of how to proceed.

"...Is it Elias?" I asked. "Now before you ask any questions, I want you to know that I'm with Sebastian. You don't need to back down from him. I'm...happy. I want you to be happy."

"Yeah, well he doesn't think that. I'm fine with that. Hot, loaded, tall, and has a cute kid. What more could a woman ask for, Roxie?" Stacey smiled. "Honestly...if he wasn't interested in you, I'd definitely let him pin me up against a wall."


"What? It's true!"


"Look, I can't help it! It's in my nature." Stacey laughed. "As long as Sebastian doesn't find him as a threat, then it's all good. I think you guys would look cute together."

"Mmm...Bastian doesn't know about him."

"Well, his loss. I get that you don't want him to know all your friends, but keeping Elijah a secret from him is only going to make things worse. Especially when he finds out he has a kid."

That's what I worry about the most. People act like men and women can't just be friends. Apparently you have to be related to someone to not show any interest in them. Or both of you agree that you're not each other's types. I get that we all develop feelings at one point, but I like being friends with guys who take care of me like Sebastian does.

"What if...what if I start to like him? Like really like him?" I moaned. "I don't want Sebastian to think I like every guy who shows an interest in me."

"You don't, Roxie."

"I don't?"

"Then...you'd like Maison." Stacey wiggled her eyebrows.

I hate her so much. Maison is the last person I want to like. If we were the last two people on earth, I'd kill myself. Don't get me wrong, Maison is very attractive, but he's not someone I'd see myself relaxing with on weekends and in the pool. He's like a brother I never wanted, but have to interact with anyway.

"Are you guys finished?" Maison asked. I turned around to see him shrugging on his jacket. "I'm gonna head out first. I have to clock in early."

"Same. Except I just want to get some sleep and pretend I was an orphan." Stacey hugged me.

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