14. Yeah, I Care!

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Maison dragged me off as soon as our lunch break started. I saw everyone walking to the break room as we were heading to the elevators. As long as they know what sharing means, there should be enough for everybody.

"You're not coming back after lunch?" Maison asked.

"No. Sebastian and I are doing something later," I said. "It kinda is my day off. I just came to talk to Mr. Whitlock, but I had some other things to do, too."


We didn't say much as we made our way to the underground parking lot. Since I wouldn't be coming back to work, I offered to drive us to the nearest restaurant. We had a little less than forty-five minutes for lunch, but I doubt Maison is going to eat. He rarely does when he goes out. Super weird, but I never question it.

Maison ended up choosing some high end restaurant I hadn't heard of. I know for a fact that I've lived here long enough to name every restaurant in the city. Maybe it's new.

"Hi, welcome to Black Dahlia. Did you make a reservation?"

"Yes, under O'Malley."

"Okay...Just give me a quick second."

"What's this place?" I asked.

"It's new. I've been dying to eat here lately. Mr. Whitlock has connections, so he made a reservation for me. It's been packed for weeks." Maison looked proud of himself.

"Isn't this too fancy for lunch?"

"I guess, but it'll probably be the first and last time we get to eat here."

Probably the first and last time for him. I have a few connections, so it won't be so hard to eat here another time. That's if I like the place. It's hard for me to like something if my first time was a bit iffy.

"Found it. We have a room for you in the back. Follow me, please."

The hostess led us through the main dining area down a hall with a series of private rooms. This is a bit suspicious. Who needs a private room when dining with a coworker? I'll have to ask Stacey if she knew about this. She knows Sebastian and I are official now. Maybe we could come here and make this one of our favorite places.

"We'll set out a selection of dishes from our lunch menu. What would you like to drink?" The hostess stopped in front of a room and glanced back at us.

"Two glasses of your best wine will be enough," Maison said.

"Here is your room. I'll have someone bring your drinks right away."

She opened the door without another word and walked away. Maison stepped aside to let me in first. What a gentleman.

"I know you're probably thinking there's more to this lunch," he said as he got settled. "I don't want to seem like I'm...jealous, but it needs to be said."

"Jealous?" Why would he be jealous?

"You've been pretty happy over the past couple of months. Since you and Sebastian started dating."


"I'm not trying to tear you two apart already, but there's a lot you don't know about him. You haven't had your own house for long and you met him through his company. What are the odds he used that to his advantage?"

"Maison." I laughed. "Don't tell me you're jealous of Sebastian? Do you like me?"

"W-what?" Maison looked taken aback. "Why would I be jealous of him?"

"You didn't answer my question. Do you like me, Maison?"

"...No. You're an amazing person, but...no."

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