24. Suspicious Partner

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"God, he's hot..."

"Why are you standing out in the cold in your robe?"


I hadn't noticed when Elijah pulled off and Sebastian's car took his place. Oops.

"Oh, I was just seeing someone off. Kinda got lost in my thoughts." I laughed nervously and turned to go back inside. I really needed to put on something decent. I don't want to get sick again. "How was work?"

"A struggle." Sebastian picked me up and took me inside. "I smell something delicious. What is it?"

"Carbonara again. I thought you'd want some after a hard day at work."

"You never cease to amaze me, baby."

"Ahaha, you're so funny." I urged him to put me down. "I'll go put on some clothes, then fix you a plate."

"Sounds good, love, but you don't have to change."

"You saying that is like asking me to have dinner with you in my lingerie. Not gonna happen."

"Ah, it was worth a shot."

Yeah, whatever. He's that desperate to see my half naked once again. I know it's been a while since I've gone to the beach, but I've never met a guy willing to eat with a half naked woman in her own home. I have standards and my mind is telling me I might have to raise them again pretty soon.

After settling on a 3-piece fleece shorts set, I rejoined Sebastian in the kitchen. He was sitting near the sink this time, his face buried in his phone. If he had had his back to me, I would have looked over his shoulder. Maybe that would tell me if he's cheating on me or not. I have a feeling I wouldn't have liked the result.

 I have a feeling I wouldn't have liked the result

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"I'm back, Bastian," I said. He looked up and smiled.

"You look too good." He eyed me.

"I picked up some white wine earlier today..."

"We always drink red."

"Yeah...and last time that didn't go so well, did it?"

The Internet had warned me to stay away from red wine when eating carbonara, but I hadn't listened. I don't know how to explain it, but I will never second guess the Internet again. There's certain reds you can drink and I hadn't picked the right one. White or sparkling wine was our best bet this time.

"I promise you we won't be drinking water this time," I said. "Did you talk to your parents today? I know you said they were texting you all morning."

"Yeah, they didn't want much. Something about coming to see my grandfather. His caretaker warned them about his waning health." Sebastian shrugged like it was nothing. "I'm probably going to leave for the weekend to go see him."

"That's good. You should do that."

"Would you like to go with me?"

"I don't think I should. Wouldn't it be a little awkward to meet your parents like that?"

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