47. Moving On

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I found myself fully immersing myself into my work just weeks after the break up, as if the pain of it all had somehow been a catalyst for my creativity. My days were spent tirelessly getting ready to sell the Thayer Estate to the highest bidding couple. Though I'd been briefed not to make any promises, I wasn't about to let someone ruin the amazing history behind the property. Selling it for as low as the selling price was didn't do it justice in any way.

As I spent more time on the property, I began to notice small details that I had never paid attention to before. The way the light hit the old mahogany floors in the morning, the sound of the wind through the trees in the evenings, the way the old furniture creaked as it was moved around. It was almost as if the house itself had a story to tell, and I was the one privileged enough to hear it.

When I thought everything had been long forgotten, my parents began to berate me about how I'd broken up with Sebastian. Apparently I was ruined his life before he could ruin mine. I fought hard not to tell them that had been the whole point. I wasn't giving him room to do something to ruin me forever. I got ahead of it while I could. He thought he was being sneaky.

Even after they tried convincing me I would have never gotten tricked online, I knew I had made the right decision. Men are the same everywhere. Even worse when they have the ability to be someone they could never be. I thought they'd try to see everything from my point of view, but I knew that would never happen. Even if they'll never admit it, I'll forever be the child they wished they never had.

It was now Valentine's day and my parents had been adamant on celebrating with me. They knew I had someone, so I assumed they were thinking they'd get to meet him this way. I had been tempted to decline their request, but I thought maybe this was the time to finally show them I was content with how everything turned out. I'd never had anyone special to celebrate with, so this would be my first year actually enjoying the holiday.


I groaned upon hearing my mother's voice at the bottom of the stairs. I should have hidden the extra key in another spot. Like inside the house. They always manage to get inside without my permission. One would think I would be respected in my own home as an independent woman. Wrong! I was still a little girl in their eyes. I probably would be until I moved into a place they'd never be able to access with just a key.


"What, Mother?" I snapped. "You can't rush perfection!" She was already getting on my nerves and we hadn't even left yet. "Why didn't you and Daddy go to the restaurant?"

"We wanted to meet you and your date here," she said, spotting me at the top of the stairs. "What...are you wearing?

are you wearing?

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"But...it's so fancy. And it's freezing outside."

"Barely," I muttered. "That's why I have a shoulder wrap, Mother."

Finding My OwnOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora